periences etc. linked to the brand in theminds of consumersThe brand resonance pyramid The CBBE model has been extended to address how brands should be built interms of consumer knowledge structures CBBE model views brand building as an ascending series of steps:(1) Ensuring identification of the brand with customers and an association ofthe brand in customers’ minds with a specific product class or customerneed;(2) Firmly establishing the totality of brand meaning in the minds of customersby strategically linking a host of tangible and intangible brand associations;(3) Eliciting the proper customer responses in terms of brand-relatedjudgment and feelings; and(4) Converting the brand response to create an intensive, active loyaltyrelationship between customers and the brand The CBBE model emphasises the duality of brands: the rational route to brandbuilding is on the LHS and the emotional route is on the RHS The creation of significant brand equity requires reaching the pinnacle of thebrand resonance pyramid which only occurs when the right building blocks arein placeThe building blocks of the brand resonance pyramid Brand salience: how easily and often customers think of the brand undervarious purchase or consumption situationsBrand performance: how well the product or service meets customers’functional needsBrand imagery: the extrinsic properties of the product or service, including theway in which the brand attempts to meet customers’ psychological or socialneedsBrand judgements: customers’ own personal opinions and evaluationsBrand feelings: customers’ emotional responses and reactions with respect tothe brandBrand resonance: the nature of the relationship customers have with thebrand and the extent to which the feel they’re ‘in sync’ with the brando Resonance reflects the intensity or depth of the psychological bondthat customers have with the brand, as well as the level of activityengendered by this loyalty4
Marketing communication effects on brand equity Marketing communications affect brand equity and drive sales in many ways:o Create awareness of the brand;o Link the right associations to the brand image in consumers’ memory;o Elicit positive brand judgments or feelings;o Facilitate a stronger consumer-brand connection Developing the marketing communications mixo Marketing communications must be integrated to deliver a consistentmessage and achieve strategic positioningo Marketers must assess which experiences and impressions will havethe most influence at each stage of the buying process.Integrated marketing communications (IMC) programo Several factors to consider in developing the marketingcommunications mix: type of product marketing, consumer readinessto make a purchase, stage in product life cycle, and brand’s marketshare and positioningo Marketers should be media neutral – evaluate all possiblecommunication options in terms of efficiency and effectivenesso Anything that causes a consumer to pay attention to the brand canincrease brand awareness, at least in terms of brand recognition.Brand recall may require more intense and elaborate processing.o Marketers should ‘mix and match’ communication options to buildbrand equity – choose a variety of different communication optionsthat share common meaning and content but also offer different,complementary advantages so that the whole is greater than the sumof its parts svipInteractive marketing communicationso List of some interactive marketing communication options: Brand resonance has four dimensions(1) Behavioural loyalty: customers’ repeat purchases and the amount orshare of category volume attributed to the brand(2) Attitudinal attachment: when customers view the brand as beingsomething special in a broader context(3) Sense of community: when customers feel a kinship or affiliation withother people associated with the brand(4) Active engagement: when customers are willing to invest pers
The brand meaning evolution model The brand resonance pyramid model Brand knowledge is defined in terms of two components: brand awareness and brand image o Brand awareness relates to brand recall and recognition performance by consumers o Brand image refers to the set of associations linked to
Past exam papers from June 2019 GRADE 8 1. Afrikaans P2 Exam and Memo 2. Afrikaans P3 Exam 3. Creative Arts - Drama Exam 4. Creative Arts - Visual Arts Exam 5. English P1 Exam 6. English P3 Exam 7. EMS P1 Exam and Memo 8. EMS P2 Exam and Memo 9. Life Orientation Exam 10. Math P1 Exam 11. Social Science P1 Exam and Memo 12.
Strategic Brand Management Exeter MBA and MSc –Day 2 Brand Strategy Jack Buckner Aaker’s Brand Identity System BRAND IMAGE How the brand is now perceived BRAND IDENTITY How strategists want the brand to be perceived BRAND POSITION The part of the brand identity and value pro
STRATEGIC BRAND MANAGEMENT Strategic brand management process is important for creating and sustaining brand equity. Developing a strategy that successfully sustains or improves brand awareness, strengthens brand associations, emphasizes brand quality and utilization, is a part of brand management. The brand str
brand equity, brand image, brand personality and brand extension. 2. Brand Extension. Brand extension is a marketing strategy in which new products are introduced in relation to a successful brand. Various experts have defined brand extensions differently . though, these definitions look quite similar. Kotler and Armstrong (2002) defined brand
Brand values help to remain true to your brand values and will increase employee engagement. Benefit 2 Brand values make your brand more memorable. Benefit 3 Brand values will create deep emotional connections with your audience. Benefit 4 Brand values will maintain brand authenticity. Benefit 5 Brand values will guide everyone on your team .
brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand loyalty to estimate brand equity [11]. Reference on Aaker, we define brand asset with four dimensions: brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand loyalty. Brand awareness is the ability to consumers or potential consumers to realize relationships between a certain
brand foundation. brand application. 1.1 the meaning of a brand 04 1.2 brand promise 05 1.3 brand pillars 06 1.4 brand character 11 1.5 centering idea 12 1.6 brand (ethos) declaration 13 4.0. contact. contact 55. 2.0. brand elements. 2.1 logo explaination 15 2.2 logo 16 2.3 brand voice 26 .
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