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TYPES AND MEANING OF METAPHOR IN SONG LYRICSBY SELENA GOMEZAbstrakPenelitian ini berjudul Types and Meaning of Metaphor in Song Lyrics by SelenaGomez. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi tipe-tipe metaphoryang digunakan pada lirik lagu Selena Gomez, (2) menganalisis makna metaphoryang digunakan dalam lirik lagu Selena Gomez. Metode yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah metode kulaitatif. Sumber data diambil dari Sembilan lagu.Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori metaphor dari Lakoff danJohnson (1980). Penelitian ini diawali dengan mengidentifikasi metaphor sesuaiteori Lakoff dan Johnson (1980). Kemudian data yang terkumpul dianalisis untukmenemukan makna dari setiap metaphor. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat tiga tipemetaphor dalam lagu Selena Gomez yaitu structural metaphor, orientationalmetaphor, and ontological metaphor. Metafora Ontologis adalah yang palingsering digunakan dalam lirik lagu. Dari tiga puluh data ada dua puluh metaforaontologis. Sedangkan jenis metafora yang jarang digunakan adalah metaforastruktural dan metafora orientasi. Tujuh data adalah jenis metafora struktural(23%), tiga data adalah metafora orientasi (10%), dan dua puluh data adalahmetafora ontologis (67%). Kedua, jenis makna, ada tujuh jenis makna yaitumakna konseptual, makna konotatif, makna sosial, makna afektif, makna yangdirefleksikan, makna kolokatif, makna tematik. Penelitian ini menemukan tigajenis makna. Ada 11 makna konseptual (37%), kemudian 18 makna konotatif(60%), dan 1 makna kolokatif (3%).Kata kunci: metafora, tipe metafora, semantik, arti, lirikAbstractThe title of this research is Types and Meaning of Metaphor in Song Lyrics bySelena Gomez. This research aims to (1) identification the types of metaphorsused in lyrics Selena Gomez songs, (2) analyze the meaning used of metaphors inlyrics Selena Gomez songs. The research used qualitative method. The datasource is taken from nine songs. The theory in this research used metaphor theoryfrom Lakoff and Johnson (1980). This research start by identifying the metaphoraccording to Lakoff and Johnson's theory. Then the data collected is analyzed tofind the meaning of each metaphor. The first results of this research are threetypes of metaphors in the song Selena Gomez, namely structural metaphors,orientational metaphors, and ontological metaphors. Ontological metaphors arethe ones most often used in song lyrics. Out of 30 data, there are twentyontological metaphors. While the type of metaphor that rarely used are structuralmetaphor and orientation metaphor. Seven data is types of structural metaphor(23%), three data is orientational metaphor (10%), and twenty data is ontologicalmetaphor (67%). The second, the types of meaning, there are seven types ofmeaning namely conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning,1

affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, thematic meaning.This research finds three types of meaning. There were 11 conceptual meaning(37%), then 18 connotative meaning (60%), and 1 collocative meaning (3%).Keywords: metaphor, types of metaphor, meaning, semantic, lyrics1. INTRODUCTIONLinguistics concerns with identifying the meaningful elements of specificlanguages. Linguistics is the science that describes and patterns of the soundsystem, the words and morphemes and the phrases and sentences, that is, thestructure of a language.Linguistics has some branches, including semantics. Semantics studiesmeaning of the words, sentences, and symbols. Semantics constructs a relationbetween adjoining words and clarifies the sense of a sentence, whether themeanings of words are literal or figurative. According to Hurford and Heasly(1983) Semantics is the study of meaning in language. According Griffiths(2006:15) Semantics is the study of word meaning and sentence meaning,abstracted away from contexts of use. Semantics used to understand theexpression of people through language. Semantics usually use in daily language toshow the understanding about the issue with connotation.Semantics discusses several elements of meaning, one of them isfigurative language. Figurative language, has several types, including simile,metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, hyperbole, allusion, idiom,imagery, symbolism, alliteration, assonance, consonance, metonymy, synecdoche,irony, sarcasm, litotes, pun, anaphora, tautology, understatement. In this study,researchers focused on the metaphors.According Lakoff and Johnson(2003:4)metaphor is for most people a device of the poetic imagination and therhetorical flourish a matter of extraordinary rather than ordinary language.A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way thatisn’t literally true, but helps explain an idea. According Abrams (1999:97)metaphor is a word or expression that in literal usage denotes one kind of thing isapplied to distinctly different kind of thing, without asserting a comparison.Metaphor describes sentences with other words, but with the similar meaning.2

This research focuses on metaphor used in Selena Gomez’s songs. Somelyrics of the song describe about the reality of the writer of the songs. The lyricscan be about love, self, hurt, and etc. Some songs of Selena Gomez quite famous,title of songs that are Who Says, The heart wants what it wants, Revival, Hands toMyself, Survivors, Me & Rhythm, Rise, Wolves and Kill em with Kindess. Thatis some songs of Selena Gomez which famous and some of the songs also havedeep meaning that can touch the hearts of listeners.The researcher takes some previous study that analyzed about metaphor,the object of previous study is song lyrics including song lyrics of One Directionalbum, Green Day lyrics, lyrics by Johnny Cash, Westlife’s song lyrics, Eminem’ssongs, Coldplay’s lyrics, Bob Marley’s songs lyrics, Demi Lovato’s song,Michael Jackson song lyrics, Queen’s song lyrics. The research finding almostabout the types that find and expression of metaphor.The similarity of this study with previous study is the focus of study onsemantic analysis based on the figurative language and then focus in metaphorsanalysis. The difference between the previous study and the research writer is theobject of study.Based on the phenomena, the researcher is interested in analyzing themeaning and the types of metaphor in the form of research entitled: Types andMeaning of Metaphor in song lyrics by Selena Gomez.2. METHODThe type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Descriptive qualitativeresearch is a method of observation to gather non-numerical data. The researcherwould like to classify the meaning and type of metaphor used in the song lyrics bySelena Gomez. According Bryman and Bell (2007) stated that qualitative researchis a research strategy that indicates the relationship between theory and researchand usually emphasizes on how theories were regenerated. The object of the studyare metaphor expression in lyrics songs of Selena Gomez. The data of this studyare the lyrics certain metaphorical expression in the lyrics of Selena Gomez Song.The data sources are some song by Selena Gomez. Selena Gomez is an American3

singer, actress, and producer. The writer uses documentation as the method ofcollecting data. The validity of this research is by matching the finding and thereal information or data of song lyrics. Classify the metaphor by analyzing data inthe songs lyrics of Selena Gomez. The researcher uses triangulation technique.Data analysis is important step in research. The analysis in content analysis, theresearcher explained the meaning which contained in the metaphorical utteranceof the object.3. FINDING AND DISCUSSIONResearch finding presents the answer of the research question in this study. Theresearch question relates to the types of metaphor used in song lyrics and themeanings of metaphor used in song lyrics.3.1 Findings3.1.1Types of MetaphorThe types of metaphor showed on the pie chart bellow:Types of Metaphor23%10%Structural MetaphorOrientational Metaphor67%Ontological MetaphorDiagram 1. Types of MetaphorThere are three types of metaphor and 30 data. seven data is types of structuralmetaphor (23%), three data is orientational metaphor (10%), and twenty data isontological metaphor (67%). From three types of metaphor by Lakoff andJohnson theory, all types are find in song lyrics by Selena Gomez.4

3.1.2Types of MeaningThe types of meaning showed on the pie chart bellow:Types of MeaningConceptual MeaningConnotative MeaningCollocative notativeMeaning60%Diagram 2. Types of MeaningFrom seven types of meaning, only three were found in Selena’s song lyrics.There were 11 conceptual meaning (37%), then 18 connotative meaning (60%),and 1 collocative meaning (3%).3.2 DiscussionThe discussion is related to two research questions which have been formulated.There two ideas that are discussed. Those are types used of metaphors and thetypes of meaning used in lyrics song by Selena Gomez.The first discussion about types of metaphors found in song lyrics Revival,Kill ‘Em with Kindness, Hands to Myself, Me & the Rhythm, Survivors, Rise,Who Says, Wolves, The Heart Wants What It Wants. Based on the table 4.1 abouttypes of metaphor those finding supported by theory Lakoff and Johnson (1980)which says metaphors divided into three types: structural metaphors, orientationmetaphors and ontological metaphors. This research finds three types: structuralmetaphors, orientation metaphors, and ontological metaphors. From 30 data,researcher find seven data is types of structural metaphor (23%), three data isorientational metaphor (10%), and twenty data is ontological metaphor (67%).5

From three types of metaphor by Lakoff and Johnson theory, all types are find insong lyrics by Selena Gomez.The second discussion is about types of meaning found. Based on the table4.1 about types of meaning, those finding are supported by theory Leech (1974)there are at least seven types of meaning namely conceptual meaning, connotativemeaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocativemeaning, thematic meaning. This research finds three types of meaning. Therewere 11 conceptual meaning (37%), then 18 connotative meaning (60%), and 1collocative meaning (3%).The researcher takes some previous study that analyzed about metaphor,the object of previous study is song lyrics including song lyrics of One Directionalbum, Green Day lyrics, lyrics by Johnny Cash, Westlife’s song lyrics, Eminem’ssongs, Coldplay’s lyrics, Bob Marley’s songs lyrics, Demi Lovato’s song,Michael Jackson song lyrics, Queen’s song lyrics. The researcher realizes of thereare many other researcher who conducted the research with the same topic andtheory but different object. This research has different theories with someresearcher. In this research found three types of metaphor, but some researcherfound four and six metaphor. For the analysis meaning some researcher useddenotative meaning, determine target and source domain, and contextual meaningbut this research used connotative meaning.The results of the research are similarity to the research conducted byMane (2016), Sukmawati (2015), Hanidar (2018), and several other researchers interms of: types of metaphor and names of metaphor. In this research finds thethree types of metaphors are found in the lyrics; seven structural metaphors(23%), three orientational metaphors (10%), and twenty ontological metaphors(67%). There are six metaphor found in Revival, five metaphors in Kill ‘Em withKindness, one metaphors in Hands to Myself, one metaphors in Me & theRhythm, three metaphors in Survivors, three metaphors in Rise, four metaphors inWho Says, four metaphors in Wolves, and three metaphors in The Heart WantsWhat It Wants. There are 30 metaphors found in this research. All types of themetaphors are used in the song lyrics. While in the research conducted by Mane6

(2016) finds results of study show that there are 15 phrases containing structuralmetaphor, 12 phrases containing orientational metaphor and 17 phrases containingontological metaphor.4. CONCLUSIONThe researcher conducts the research Types and Meaning of Metaphor in SongLyrics by Selena Gomez. This research uses the theory from Lakoff and Johnsonfor analyzing. The whole types of metaphor inthe song lyrics are revealed throughthe analyse theory by Lakoff and Johnson. Based on the results of research anddiscussion in the previous chapter about the types of metaphor and the meaning ofthe metaphor in the lyrics of the song Selena Gomez. For the first, there are threetypes of metaphors in the song Selena Gomez namely structural metaphor,orientational metaphor, and ontological metaphor. find seven data is types ofstructural metaphor (23%), three data is orientational metaphor (10%), and twentydata is ontological metaphor (67%). The types of Ontological Metaphor are themost frequently used in the song lyrics. While the types of metaphor that is rarelyused is structural metaphor and orientational metaphor. The second, the types ofmeaning, there are seven types of meaning namely conceptual meaning,connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning,collocative meaning, thematic meaning. This research finds three types ofmeaning. There were 11 conceptual meaning (37%), then 18 connotative meaning(60%), and 1 collocative meaning (3%).BIBLIOGRAPHYLakoff, G. and Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphor We Live By. Chicago: TheUniversity of Chicago Press.Griffiths, P. (2006). An Introduction to English Semanticss and Pragmatics.Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press.Abrams, M. H. (7thed). (1999). A Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: CornellUniversity.Hurford, J.R., Heasley, B and Smith, M.B. (2nded). (2007). Semanticss aCoursebook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.7

Mane, S. (2016). Metaphor in the Song Lyrics by Johnny Cash. JournaL: SamRatulangi University, 3(2)Sukmawati, A. (2015). Analyzed of Metaphor in Coldplay’s Lyrics. Skripsi thesis:Pamulang University. Accessed from eprints.unpam.ac.id.Hanidar, S. (2018). Analyzed of Metaphor in AdhitiaSofyan’s Songs. Journal:Gadjah Mada University, 5(2), 200-211.8

album, Green Day lyrics, lyrics by Johnny Cash, Westlife’s song lyrics, Eminem’s songs, Coldplay’s lyrics, Bob Marley’s songs lyrics, Demi Lovato’s song, Michael Jackson song lyrics, Queen’s song lyrics. The research finding almost about the

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