Unit 5: North Africa, SW Asia, And Central Asia

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Unit 5: North Africa, SWAsia, and Central Asia

Bell Work Glue the Unit 5 Term Chart into your notebook. Startworking on the terms.

Your Task Read Lesson 15.1:Physical Geography ofNorth Africa (pg. 368371). Complete thechart provided.Physical Geography of North AfricaLandformsWhat physical process isresponsible for shaping thelandscape in North Africa?Water SystemsHow has the Nile River been thelifeblood of North Africa?Climate, Biomes, andResourcesHow does water scarcity definethe climate of North Africa?Climate Regions and BiomesWhat major landform has beencreated by the interaction of theEurasian and African plates?Which river in North Africa is theworld’s longest river?Natural ResourcesWhat natural resources are mostprevalent in North Africa?

Your Assignment Work on the Unit 5 Map: North Africa, SW Asia, andCentral Asia.

Bell Work Copy and answer the following question into yournotebook:Describe the Nile Delta.

Take notes aboutsociety and culture inNorthern Europeusing the followingfoldable as we readthrough Lesson 15.2:Human Geography ofNorth Africa (pg. 372377).Human Geography of NorthAfricaYour Task History and GovernmentPopulation PatternsSociety and Culture TodayEconomic Activities

Your Task Interactive Whiteboard Activities: Interactive Bellringer: Status of Women in NorthAfrica Game: Human Geography of North Africa Video: Egypt Revolution

Your Assignment Continue working on the Unit 5 Map: North Africa, SWAsia, and Central Asia and on the Unit 5 Term Chart.

Bell Work Copy and answer the following question into yournotebook:Describe the early peoples of North Africa.

Managing Resources1. Much water in North Africa is used for irrigation,allowing for continued food production2. Most of the freshwater in the area comes from rivers,oases, and aquifers3. Desalination removes salt from ocean water to make itusable4. Libya’s Great Man-Made River supplies freshwater tothe country, but could possibly drain aquifers andcause them to be replaced with salt water from theMediterranean Sea

Human Impact1. Oil and fishing are very profitable economic sectors inthe region2. Mass tourism is another cause of ecological lossbecause of increased water usage in hotels, swimmingpools, and golf courses3. Oil spills have occurred on land or on the seas becauseof the lack of safety precautions4. Egypt’s Aswan High Dam controls the Nile River’s floodsand created Lake Nasser

Addressing the Issues1. The Middle East and North African countries (MENA)hold about 61% of the world’s oil reserves2. The Partnership for African Fisheries (PAF) is working tostrengthen the fishing industry and enforce stricterregulations to prevent overharvesting3. A joint authority encourages cooperation between Egyptand Libya in managing the Nubian Sandstone AquiferSystem4. The World Bank is looking to invest in modern irrigationpractices to address the needs of agriculture

Your Task Interactive Whiteboard Activities: Interactive Whiteboard Activity: The Impact of theAswan High Dam

Your Assignment Complete the Ch. 15: North Africa Reteaching Activity.

Bell Work Copy and answer the following question into yournotebook:How have modern economic activities impacted NorthAfrica’s environment?

Your Task Read Lesson 16.1:Physical Geography ofthe EasternMediterranean (pg.390-394). Completethe chart provided.Physical Geography of the Eastern MediterraneanLandformsHow have physical features affectedthe human geography of the EasternMediterranean?Water SystemsWhat role has water played in thehuman systems of the EasternMediterranean?Climate, Biomes, and ResourcesWhat defines the climate of theEastern Mediterranean?Climate Regions and BiomesWhat factors have limited thesettlement of the Anti-LebanonMountains?What bodies of water does the Gulf ofAqaba connect?Natural ResourcesWhat is the dominant climate of theEastern Mediterranean?

Your Task Interactive Whiteboard Activities: Video: Dead Sea Disappearing Interactive Image: The Dying Dead Sea

Your Assignment Continue working on the Unit 5 Map: North Africa, SWAsia, and Central Asia and on the Unit 5 Term Chart.

Bell Work Read Why Geography Matters: The Israeli-PalestinianConflict (pg. 388-389). Answer the three questions on pg.389 using complete sentences and citing text whenappropriate.

Your Task Interactive Whiteboard Activities: Interactive Bellringer: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Israel and Palestine:The Roots of ConflictDiscovery Education

Your Task Using the paper provided, create a timeline of the region’shistory by reading Lesson 16.2: Human Geography of theEastern Mediterranean (pg. 395-401). Your timelineshould include 15-20 key events. Pictures are notnecessary.This will be glued into your notebook.

Your Assignment Continue working on the Unit 5 Map: North Africa, SWAsia, and Central Asia and on the Unit 5 Term Chart.

Bell Work Copy and answer the following question into yournotebook:How has history influenced the society and culture ofthe Eastern Mediterranean today?

Managing Resources andHuman Impact1. Overfishing, contamination, rising surface temperature, andinvasive spies have caused environmental damage to theMediterranean Sea2. Air pollution is a problem because of high levels ofurbanization and immigration to the area3. Air pollutants have been linked to health hazards, resultingin many cases of respiratory diseases4. Long-term deforestation and desertification have contributedto climate change and soil erosion5. Agriculture is one of Israel’s most highly developed economicactivities despite the lack of freshwater6. Desalination plants and water recycling programs providewater for human use and agricultural irrigation

Addressing the Issues1. The Israeli Clean Air Law provides framework for reducingair pollution by imposing responsibilities on national andlocal gov’ts and the country’s industrial plants2. The Ministry of the Environment in Lebanon launched aproject towards sustainable management of marine/coastalbiodiversity3. Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN)manages natural resources of Jordan; has outlawedsemiautomatic hunting weapons in Jordan4. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP), theWorld Wildlife Fund (WWF), and the International Union forthe Conservation of Nature (IUNC) address desertification,unsustainable water extraction and use, biodiversity andhabitat loss, and threats to sensitive marine ecosystems

Your Task Interactive Whiteboard Activities Interactive Bellringer: Desertification in Syria Interactive Whiteboard Activity: Managing Israel’sWater Resources Slide Show: Oasis Interactive Image: Poisoning the Air and Water

Your Assignment Complete the Ch. 16: The Eastern MediterraneanReteaching Activity.

Your Assignment Continue working on the Unit 5 Map: North Africa, SWAsia, and Central Asia and on the Unit 5 Term Chart.

Bell Work Copy and answer the following question into yournotebook:What human activities have affected the physicalenvironment of the Eastern Mediterranean?

Your Task Read Lesson 17.1:Physical Geography ofThe Northeast (pg.412-415). Completethe chart provided.Physical Geography of the NortheastLandformsWhat features dominate thephysical geography of theNortheast?Water SystemsHow is the Tigris-Euphrates riversystem important to the humangeography of the Northeast?Climate, Biomes, and ResourcesHow do mountains influenceclimate in Turkey and Iran?Climate Regions and BiomesHow has tectonic activity shapedthe Northeast?What is the significance of theDardanelles, the Bosporus, and theSea of Marmara?Natural ResourcesWhat are the key natural resourcesof the Northeast sub region?

Your Task Using the Venn Diagram provided, compare and contrastthe physical geography of the Northeast, the EasternMediterranean, and North Africa.

Your Assignment Continue working on the Unit 5 Map: North Africa, SWAsia, and Central Asia and on the Unit 5 Term Chart.

Bell Work Copy and answer the following question into yournotebook:Describe the significance of the North Anatolian Fault.

Your Task Complete thechart by readingLesson 17.2Human Geographyof the Northeast(pg. 416-421) andwriting down themost importantfacts from thatsection.Human Geography of the NortheastHistory and GovernmentCivilizations and EmpiresOil and the Modern EraPopulation PatternsSociety and CultureTodayFamily and Status ofWomenThe ArtsEconomic ActivitiesResources, Power, andIndustryTrade andInterdependence

Your Assignment Read the article, A Stateless Nation: The Kurds (pg. 410411). Then, answer the questions that follow on pg. 411using complete sentences and referencing the text whenappropriate.

Bell Work Copy and answer the following question into yournotebook:How have ethnic diversity and Islam shaped thepopulation patterns of the Northeast?

Your Task In groups of 5, read your assigned section of Lesson 17.3:People and Their Environment- The Northeast (pg. 424-428).Create a poster by writing down the six most importantpoints from your section.These will serve as our notes for this section (remember towrite down four of those six points into your notebook).

Your Assignment Read the article, How have Sunni and Shia beliefs led toconflict? (pg. 422-423). Answer the questions on pg. 423by using complete sentences and referencing the text.

Let’s Look at WorldReligions: IslamDiscovery Education

Your Task Using the Venn Diagram, compare and contrast the Sunniand Shi’ite religions.

Your Assignment Complete the Ch. 17: The Northeast ReteachingActivity.

Your Assignment Complete the Unit 5 Environmental Case Studiespacket: Invasive Marine Species.Read the article and complete questions 1-4.Complete the ‘Investigating Further’ section.

Bell Work Copy and answer the following question into yournotebook:How are environmental issues being addressed in theNortheast?

Your Task Read Lesson 18.1:Physical Geography ofthe Arabian Peninsula(pg. 434-437).Complete the chartprovided.Physical Geography of the Arabian PeninsulaLandformsWhat are the major physicalcharacteristics of the ArabianPeninsula?Water SystemsHow do the waters surrounding theArabian Peninsula affect life there?Climate, Biomes, and ResourcesHow does the climate of the ArabianPeninsula affect its biomes?Climate Regions and BiomesHow did tectonic activity form theRed Sea?Where are the principal bodies ofwater that border the ArabianPeninsula?Natural ResourcesWhat characteristics of the Rub’ alKhali make it a desert biome?

Your Task Interactive Whiteboard Activities: Interactive Bellringer: Physical Geography- TheArabian Peninsula Interactive Whiteboard Activity: Landforms andWater Systems of the Arabian Peninsula

Your Assignment Continue working on the Unit 5 Map: North Africa, SWAsia, and Central Asia and on the Unit 5 Term Chart.

Bell Work Copy and answer the following question into yournotebook:Analyze the characteristics of the Arabian Peninsulathat make some areas of the peninsula more suitablefor some activities than others.

Your Task Using the paper provided, create a timeline of the region’shistory by reading Lesson 18.2: Human Geography of theArabian Peninsula (pg. 438-443). Your timeline shouldinclude 15-20 key events. Pictures are not necessary.This will be glued into your notebook.

Your Task Interactive Whiteboard Activities: Interactive Image: Foods of Ramadan Video: Saudi Women- Jobs

Bell Work Copy and answer the following question into yournotebook:How did history, culture, and geography help influencethe types of governments on the Arabian Peninsula?

Your Task Complete the following chart as you read Lesson 18.3:People and Their Environment- the Arabian Peninsula (pg.444-448).People and Their Environment: The Arabian Peninsula- Environmental ConcernsCausesEffects

Your Assignment Complete the Ch. 18: The Arabian PeninsulaReteaching Activity.

Bell Work Copy and answer the following question into yournotebook:How has a growing population created a set of relatedenvironmental challenges in the subregion?

Your Task Read Lesson 19.1:Physical Geography ofCentral Asia (pg. 454458). Complete thechart provided.Physical Geography of Central AsiaLandformsWhat are the major landforms ofCentral Asia?Water SystemsWhat water features are importantto the people of Central Asia?Climate, Biomes, and ResourcesHow does the climate affect humanactivity in Central Asia?How do the landforms of CentralAsia affect where people live?How have human affected the watersystems of Central Asia?What is the main natural resourceof Central Asia?

Your Task Interactive Whiteboard Activities: Interactive Bellringer: Central Asia’s Water Tower Video: Aral Sea is Slowly Drying Out Slide Show: Herding in Central Asia

Your Assignment Continue working on the Unit 5 Map: North Africa, SWAsia, and Central Asia and on the Unit 5 Term Chart.

Bell Work Copy and answer the following question into yournotebook:How are landforms and climate in Central Asia related?

Your Task Interactive Whiteboard Activities: Video: Trading Domes of Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Your Task As a class, read Lesson19.2: Human Geographyof Central Asia (pg. 459465) and complete thefollowing chart toidentify examples of theinfluence of native andforeign cultures on thesubregion.Human Geography of Central AsiaInfluencesHistoryPeople/CultureEconomyDetails

Your Task Interactive Whiteboard Activities: Game: Human Geography of Central Asia

Bell Work Copy and answer the following question into yournotebook:How do the people of Central Asia use resources tocreate economies?

Your Task As we read Lesson19.3, People and TheirEnvironment: TheRussian Core (pg.466-470), completethe following chart byidentifyingenvironmental issuesand steps being takento address them.People and Their Environment: Central AsiaIssueSteps

Your Assignment Complete the Ch. 19: Central Asia Reteaching Activity.

Your Assignment Finish the Unit 5 Map: North Africa, SW Asia, andCentral Asia and on the Unit 5 Term Chart.

Central Asia (pg. 454-458). Complete the chart provided. Physical Geography of Central Asia Landforms Water Systems Climate, Biomes, and Resources What are the major landforms of Central Asia? What water features are important to the people of Central Asia? How does the climate affect human activity in Central Asia? How do the landforms of Central

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