NLions Gate Quilters’ GuildewsletterPresidents’MessageFebruary 2019Greetings everyone! I hope you are all surviving the deep freezethat descended upon us this month. The daffodils and camelliaswere just starting to pop out at my house – now they are buriedin snow!As I mentioned last meeting, we have a full slate of volunteersfor the five executive positions up for election this year. We willbe calling for any further nominations from the floor for thepositions of President, Secretary, Membership, Workshops, and Member-at-large. Being on theExecutive gives you the opportunity to make changes that will make our guild better for all ourmembers going forward. If you are interested in making positive change, ask a friend (or you) toput your name forward for one of the available positions. We would be happy to hold an Electionfor any of the positions as needed. These positions can also successfully be shared, so talk thispossibility over with a friend. Put your name(s) forward at the February meeting.Please take time to review the financial budgets and year end statements for both the Lions GateQuilters Guild and the Lions Gate Community Quilts Society sent out in an email earlier this month.Both proposed budgets will be voted on at the AGM, February 26. If you did not receive theseitems, please ask for them and we will resend a copy.We still do not have a Raffle Quilt Coordinator for the 2020 Quilt Show so I would like to proposethat we split the job up. Right now we need a committee to make a quilt. Later in the year wecan look for someone to work on the other parts of the job. If you are interested in forming acommittee to work on the raffle quilt, please let me know A.S.A.P.We are also on the lookout for a new Webmaster (our website is in WordPress). Our Communications person (Penny N.) is responsible for the newsletter and updating the site on a monthly basis.The Webmaster could be someone who likes to work from home, not attend executive meetingsunless requested to, likes to work on web pages, is interested in new and interesting quiltingrelated ideas, would like to make our web page the best on the planet you get the idea. Pastmembers have done a great job getting our web page to where it is today but we need to keep itup and make it even better! If this position is of interest to you, please let me know.Since this is the last newsletter report for our term, we would like to take this opportunity to thankall the members for their support and especially thank all the executive members who served withus. It has been a pleasure getting to know you all better.Kathryn Gillis and Karen CookeCo-PresidentsThis newsletter is for the sole use of the members of the Lions Gate Quilters’ Guild.Reproduction of any items, in whole or part, is strictly prohibited.
GCuildWinter/Spring 20192alendarFebruary 9th:COPS DayFebruary 12th:Newsletter DeadlineFebruary 26th:Guild Meeting and AGMMarch 2nd:Executive Change-over Meeting (12.30pm at Treasurer’s home)March 7th—11th:RetreatMarch 8th and 9th:Sorbet Workshop Cancelled due to clash with RetreatMarch 12th:Newsletter DeadlineMarch 16th:COPS DayMarch 26th:Monthly Guild MeetingApril 2nd:Executive MeetingApril 4th– 6thCommunity Quilts WorkshopApril 9th:Newsletter DeadlineApril 13th:COPS DayApril 23rd:Monthly Guild MeetingApril 30th:Executive MeetingMay 14th:Newsletter DeadlineMay 24th and 25th:Botanical Beauty WorkshopMay 25th:COPS DayMay 28th:Monthly Guild MeetingCOPS DaysMarch 16thApril 13thMay 25thJune 4th:Executive Meetingemail Marshato book your spotJune 11th:Newsletter DeadlineFULL DETAILSJune 25th:Monthly Guild Meeting
MembershipREMINDER it’s time to renew!Please complete and print the 2019 Registration / RenewalForm on our website and bring it, along with your payment,to the AGM. If you aren’t able to do this, there will also beforms at the Membership table. Thank you!We had 64 members attending ourJanuary 22, 2019 Guild meeting,including 1 new member, plus 8 guests,for a total of 72 attending. Our Guild hasa current total of 124 members.The door prize winners were LyndaGidinski and Doree Piercy. Thanks tomembers who have recently donateda door prize. Remember to wear yournametag if you would like to win a doorprize; everyone who signs in has anopportunity to win. Nametags areavailable at the membership table for 1.00 each if you forgot yours.Next meeting (AGM)Tuesday, Feb 26th7.30 pm — 9.30 pmSpeaker: Lorna Shapiro of Quilter’sDream Fabrics.St Andrew’s & St Stephen’s Church2641 Chesterfield Avenue, North VanAt our January 22, 2019 meeting, 21members renewed their membership.Our Guild membership pins are alsoavailable – please come to the Membership desk to pick up (and sign for) yours,if you haven’t done so already.Should you have any questions,please feel free to contact me.Katherine MorganMembership Coordinator50/50 Winner:The winner of theJanuary 50/50 wasLeslie Chatelain.She won 40!Marilyne Carey, Member-at-Large3
Workshops4Botanical Beauty Workshop by Sandra SandvikDate:Time:Location:Cost:Friday May 24, 2019 and Saturday May 25, 20199:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., ½ hour lunchSt. Agnes Church, 530 East 12th Street, N. Vancouver 150.00This is based on a Pattern designed by Rhena Ferris and is used with her permission. Sandra will teachfree-form foundation piecing, working with colour (your choice of flowers for colour inspiration),mitred corners and narrow borders. You will create a wall-hanging or table-runner with free formmachine quilting and embellishing to finish your masterpiece. As you can see this works beautifullywith many fabrics, balis, colourful prints and solids.Sign up at the meeting, or contact Helen Jorgensen or Susan Lum.
5‘What’s New with Lorna?’Please join us in February to hear the dynamic speaker Lorna Shapiro who is the Owner, Maker,Designer of Quilters Dream Fabrics in Vancouver.One of the things Lorna most loves about quilting is that it offers endless opportunity for learningand exploration. In this trunk show Lorna will speak about some of the new areas of explorationthat she has been pursuing in the last couple of years. Lorna’s focus will be design, but she willalso chat a bit about some new-to-me tools she has adopted as regular contributors in her quiltingactivities. There will be a sharing of the process changes that she is making in her designapproach. Lorna has a passion for quilting and for Japanese & Batik quilting cottons and silks.Lorna will also be bringing with her a pop-up-shop.Animal Quilt-a-long Month #3Thanks to everyone who brought their blocks to the meeting. Congratulations to Krista Henneburywho won the bear pouch and note pad!You just need two new animal blocks to be entered into the prize draw every month.Carol Piercy, Becky West,Paulette Morton & Sharon BoveeProgram Co-ordinatorsLike us onFacebookFollow us onInstagram:@lionsgatequiltersVisit ourupdatedwebsite
CQ6ommunityuiltsHi everyone,This weather is giving me flashbacks from last year’s CQ workshop, but my kids are loving theschool closure!For this year’s workshop, we will need some help with transporting gear to and from the storagelocker, kitchen duties, sandwich retrieval on Friday/Saturday (Thursday you’ll need to brown bag it!).At the February meeting we’ll have a sign up sheet for volunteers, and attendees, it will be goodto know how many plan to attend. The dates are April 4-6th, from 9.30 to 4.30 on Thursday andFriday and 9.30 to 3pm on Saturday.We donated another bunch of quilts this last month, so you work is making a difference! Hospice5 quilts, 18 to the Paediatric ward at LGH and 17 to the NICU at LGH.I was at hospice recently for a friend and they do such a great job helping families. They reallyappreciated our donations.And one last bit, we’ve had a few emails from the website with questions about CQ, so we’rereaching people in the community, and it raises our profile. Thanks for the guild folks who keepthat technology going, it’s awesome!Stay cozy, see you all soon!Karen Marshall and Brenda SangsterCommunity Quilts Co-PresidentsQuilt sizesWee Baby:Baby:Wheelchair:Child/Lap:Twin:16” x 20" or18” x 24"36” x 40"36” x 40”42” x 54"54” x 72"It's SUPER HELPFUL when the quiltsare a uniform size! It's much easierto sort them and find the bestcharity for all your hard work!Sizes are also on our new webpage.
SPlease support ourponsorsIf you’d like to see your business in thesepages, please contact Communications.AD SIZES, RATES AND DEADLINES7
What we’re makingAnne brought herpoppy project to work on.82019ExtravaganzaThanks to Helen and Sue for thewonderful day of quilting, gamesand prizes, and a new blockpattern/technique. Bring onthe next one!Ya need a whole loadafabric for a scrappyquilt. Do you thinkSuzanne has enough?!Doesn’t Paula’s project remind you of liquorice all-sorts?JoAnn’s tiny patches
9Also seen @ our 2019 Extravaganza
OA10ut &boutWORKSHOPSNORTH VAN ARTS NEEDLE FELTING WORKSHOP 85 Saturday, February 23, 2019 10:30AM - 4:30PMInstructor: Megan Lacroix Participants will learn thefundamentals of needle felting through the creation ofa needle-felted bird. Techniques such as shape forming,blending colours and felting detail will be explored inthis beginner level workshop. Materials included.DETAILSSHOWSTIMBERLANE QUILTERS’ GUILDCELEBRATION OF QUILTS—March 16 & 17Sat 10-5; Sun 10-4. Powell River, BC. DETAILSWESTSHORE QUILTERS’ GUILDPIECE! QUILT! LOVE! April 12 & 13Fri 10-5; Sat 10-4. Eagleridge Community CentreLangford, Victoria DETAILSPlease email Newsletter items to Communications.PICTURES ESPECIALLY WELCOME :-)
11About as far outand about as aquilter can be Karen Munro sent us the following story(thank you!).Put a brilliant woman scientist in space witha theme of “at home in space” and she findsa way to quilt in zero gravity. AmericanFlight Engineer, Karen Nyberg, spent 180days in space at the International SpaceStation in 2008 and 2013.She spent off-duty time quilting a fewsquares, as part of a UBC study investigatinghow flight crews can cope better in the longspace journeys. Karen keeps sewing supplies on the wall of her sleeping quarters.Apparently cutting fabric accurately is a bigchallenge, and of course, everything is sewnby hand.Watch the cool videoRead the Trek UBC Alumni Magazine storyPhoto credit NASA.Story attribution: Madeleine de Trenquaye,Trek UBC Alumni Magazine, Fall 2018Kardashians in QuiltsLove ‘em or hate ‘em did you see thegorgeous red and white quilts the Kardashiansgot to snuggle with in a series of Calvin Kleinads recently? To see the quilts more clearly(and to see more of the Kardashiansin their Calvins), simply google“kardashians in quilts”. Or not ;-)
12Pillow TalkMaking pillows for the Outlook ShelterThese are just some basic guidelines: use a lightweight upholstery fabric cut 2 pieces of fabric 16” to 18”squares sew a 5/8” seam all the way around leavingabout a 10” gap to fill with batting scraps only batting please, it is lighter and won'tabsorb water slip stitch or machine stitch the opening closedonce you have it nicely packed with batting.Deluxe VersionBefore assembling pillow case: line the wrong side of fabric with a full piece of batting,maybe about an inch less all round so there is no batting in the seams stitch it down as you would for quilting but not too densely, keep it soft Then continue as above.Ta da! You got yourself a pillow!Collect scraps of batting at your next class or COPS day or our upcoming Community Quiltsday.lots of opportunity!I will bring some squares of lightweight fabric to the Guild meeting for anyone who wants toget started.Bring finished pillows to the guild meeting and I will collect and deliver to the Look Out Shelteron Bewicke and 2nd, North Van, or you are welcome to drop it off yourself.Thanks!Myra (why do I keep falling asleep) FramptonOh, yeah.this pillow has been tested and approved!Instructions also available online
M13eeting reminders1. Bring your completed membership renewal form and payment.2. Bring payments for workshops if you wish to register3. Bring your Animal Quilt-along blocks4. Bring your mug5. Wear your nametag for a chance to win a door prize (or buy one for 1 at the door)6. Bring a toonie (or more) for the 50/50 (half the pot goes to Community Quilts)7. Put suggestions in the Suggestion Box at the 50/50 table8. IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS MONTH: please bring a baked good of some sort (or even fruit) oranyone who feels like baking and would like to contribute to the meeting we would be happy toaccept donations (from Dorothy M).9. And last but not least - Bring a friend (or enemy – we’re not picky!)Looking for some quilting inspiration, or wantingto learn something new? Visit the Library pageon our website, where there’s a link to ouramazing catalogue of books and tips on how tofind ones you might be interested in or lookingfor. Go on—give it a try right now!I am looking for some “roving reporters” to takea few pics at our monthly meetings and otherGuild events for the Newsletter.Please email your pics to me, especially Showand Tell or other quilty eye candy.I’m especially looking for really nice imagesto post on Instagram (@lionsgatequilters),too. They should reflect Guild members’ andthe Guild’s activities.As always, contributions for the Newsletter arevery welcome. Thanks to those who’ve beensending me items recently—I hope you’re allenjoying them as much as I do.Penny NelsonCommunicationsPS Any graphic designers among us whomay be willing to re-create the Guild’s logo?We seem to have mislaid theoriginal image files.Out and About: W e w elcom enews from other guilds. Pleaseemail information to me here.
142018 ExecutivePositionsCOPS DaysMarch 16thApril 13thMay 25thPresident (Co-Pres.)(Co-Pres.)NameKaren A CookeKathryn GillisVice-PresidentLeslie ChatelaineSecretaryKaren MunroTreasurerSuzanne Forshaw (Sue)Programme CommitteeSharon BoveeCarol Piercyemail Marshato book your spotFULL DETAILSPlease email Newsletter itemsto Communications.Deadline: 2nd Tuesday of each month(except July, August and December)ADVERTISERS!If you’d like to see your businessin these pages, please contactCommunications.Rates: 20 per quarter page per insert 40 per half page per insert 90 business card size (all year) 180 per quarter page (all year)Booking deadline:First Tuesday of the monthMaterial deadline:Second Tuesday of the monthBecky WestPaulette MortonCommunicationsPenny NelsonLibrarianPaula BohanMembershipKatherine MorganMember at Large (1)Marilyne CaryMember at Large (2)Connie BlundyWorkshop CoordinatorHelen JorgensenWorkshop AssistantSusan LumOther PositionsNameCommunity Quilts (Co-Pres.)Brenda SangsterCommunity Quilts (Co-Pres.)Karen MarshallCOPS DayMarsha MacKayCQA LiaisonMargaret DuckhamHospitalityDorothy MoselyHospitalityMona MorrisonHospitalityRose MooreQuilt Show Coordinator 2020Colleen BellSpring RetreatLeslie RutledgeRaffle Quilt 2020TBDWebmasterColleen BellCommunity EventsKaren CookeFacebook AdministratorDianne RitterPillowsMyra FramptonMailing AddressLions Gate Quilters’ Guild,PO Box 54194,Lonsdale West PO,North Vancouver,BC V7M 3L5Websitewww.lionsgatequiltersguild.comExecutive MeetingsTuesday after monthlymeeting at 7.30 pmGeneral Meetings4th Tuesday of eachmonth at 7.30 pmSt. Andrew's &St. Stephen's Church(except Jul, Aug, Dec)
Since this is the last newsletter report for our term, we would like to take this opportunity to thank . Lorna Shapiro of Quilter’s Dream Fabrics. St Andrew’s & St Stephen’s Church 2641 Chesterfield Avenue, North Van . Read the Trek U Alumni Magazine story Phot
Quilters (A quilt appraiser will be at this show.) Brighton ON June 9-10 Trent Valley Quilters’ Guild Wellington ON July 7-8 Prince Edward County Quilters’ Guild Smiths Falls ON July 13-15 Lanark County Quilters Guild Sutton ON October 13-14 Georgina Pins & Needles Scarborough ON Sept. 22-23 Yorkshire Rose Quilters' Guild of Toronto
NOTE: In a DUAL GATE INSTALLATION the gate opener on the same side of the driveway as the control box is known as the MASTER GATE OPENER and that gate is refered to as the MASTER GATE. Conversly the gate opener on the other gate is refered to as the SLAVE GATE OPENER and the gate is refered to as the SLAVE GATE. For Mighty Mule FM702, GTO/PRO .
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Lions Mints : Our Lions mints one of our club members’ work place and have steady sales. Lions mints are all 60c per roll. If you would like to put some mints in your workplace just let us know and we can arrange a dis
Lions Mints newsletter Lions District 201Q1 December Newsletter ALF Newsletter Black Dog Ride newsletter Cab Sec. Passing of Lion Jack Rosa of Capalaba lions Cab sec. Passing of Lion John Shirley of Kyogle Lions Interest in joining our Club from Sumi Pillarisetti from W
Magnolia Lion Lions of Mississippi/Lions Sight Foundation State Convention 1 As I See It 2 Hall of Fame 3 District 30-M News 4&5 District 30-S News 6 15 Guns in 15 Days 7 Thank you 8 Inside this issue: Convention Review White ane Funds: MS Lions Eye ank Hearing and Deaf Deaf amp
This GATE study material can be downloaded as PDF so that your GATE preparation is made easy and you can ace your exam. These study notes are important for GATE EC, GATE EE, GATE ME, GATE CE and GATE CS. They are also important for IES, BARC, BSNL, DRDO and the rest. Before you get sta