MKT 3390 A02Integrated Marketing CommunicationsWINTER 2019539 Drake, M/W, 11:30 – 12:45pmCONTENTSCONTENTS . 1ELECTRONIC DEVICE BANISHMENT POLICY . 5INSTRUCTOR . 1OUT-OF-CLASS COMMUNICATION . 5COURSE DESCRIPTION. 1CLASS SCHEDULE . 5COURSE OBJECTIVES . 2INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES . 7COURSE MATERIALS . 2COURSE FORMAT . 2UNDERGRADUATE BONUS CREDIT RESEARCHPARTICIPATION PROGRAM . 8ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING . 4ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY . 9MISSED EXAM AND LATE SUBMISSION POLICY . 4STUDENT SERVICES AND SUPPORTS . 11ATTENDANCE POLICY . 5INSTRUCTORName:Office:Phone:Email:Office hours:Brock Cordes666 Drake Centre204-474-9179brock.cordes@umanitoba.ca30 minutes after class or by appointmentCOURSE DESCRIPTIONThis course will introduce students to the fast-changing field of advertising and promotions. Increasingly,business firms are approaching advertising and promotion from an integrated marketing communicationsperspective, which recognizes the importance of coordinating the various promotional mix elements todevelop more effective communications programs. In this course, we will examine the roles of advertising,sales promotion, direct marketing and the internet within this broader framework. We will discuss thechanges taking place in the advertising and promotions environment as corporations challenge acceptedpractices with innovative and daring ideas, and the reasons why we need to challenge “conventionalthinking” on several advertising and promotional issues. This course will be taught from a practitioneroriented perspective, with emphasis placed on developing key concepts and theories of marketingcommunications and the analytical skills needed to apply these concepts to managerial decision making.
COURSE OBJECTIVES To familiarize you with the concepts and theories of marketing communicationsTo develop your abilities to use these concepts to design advertising and promotional strategiesand to solve marketing management problemsTo aid in the development of effective managerial skills including: individual and group problemsolving, communicating both in writing and orally, working with others, and meeting setdeadlines.To familiarize you with the current changes and trends in the marketing environment and itsimpact on the field of advertising and promotionsCOURSE MATERIALSO’Guinn, Allen, and Semenik (2015), Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion (8th edition)COURSE FORMATThe course will incorporate both lecture and discussion, with extensive class participation and preparationof written assignments by you being necessary to maximize learning in this course. Lectures will reinforceand expand upon material in the text. Discussions, cases, and in-class activities are designed both to bringnew perspectives to the material and to foster active application of what we learn to solve businessproblems. Preparation for class will require you to read the text before class, and often completion of acase analysis/reading assignment or written assignment as well. Each Wednesday we will spend the firstten minutes of class informally discussing current advertising topics. You are encouraged to readpublications like Advertising Age and Marketing Magazine, view relevant materials online and in socialmedia, and be willing to share ideas and thoughts with the class.Grades will be determined as follows:Class Participation/AttendanceMidterm ExamCase 1Case 2Final ExamTotalGrading Scheme:95 – 100:85 – 89:72 – 79:50 – 59:A B C D90 – 95:80 – 84:60 – 72:Less than 50:15%20%15%15%35%100%ABCFCases:Each student is to complete and submit two (2) cases throughout this semester. The due datesfor the cases are as follows:2 of 12
Case #1Case #2Due in class on Monday, February 11, 2019Due in class on Monday, March 25, 2019Titles of the assigned cases will be given out at a later date.Cases must be 4 pages in length excluding the title page.Format for Case Writing:Instructions ***READ INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMAT CAREFULLY. ALL CASES MUST BEPRESENTED IN THIS FORMAT***All cases must be in twelve-point type, with 3 cm margins on all sides, double-spaced and NOLONGER than the designated number of pages specified in the course outline excepting the titlepage. Cases that are “too long” will be docked by 50% of the case’s worth. For example, Case #1will be marked out of 50% if it’s too long. However, two or three pages would not do justice toa case study of this nature.1. Situation Analysis Bold Heading Two or three paragraphs describing the circumstances and background of the case.2. SWOT Analysis Bold heading Use 2 columns to list SWOT elementsStrengths (Bold this subheading)Weaknesses (Bold this subheading)- Single space- Point form (at least 2 points)- Describe the INTERNAL STRENGTHSOpportunities (Bold this subheading)- Single space- Point form (at least 2 points)- Describe the EXTERNALOPPORTUNITIES- Single space- Point form (at least 2 points)the INTERNAL WEAKNESSESThreats (Bold this subheading)- Single space- Point form (at least 2 points)- Describe the EXTERNAL THREATS3. Problem Statement Bold heading Two or three paragraphs on the problem and/or the situation the organization isfacing4. Alternatives3 of 12
Bold headingSummarize the alternatives in one or two sentencesList three or four alternativesList more than one “pro” and “con: associated with each alternativeUse point form in a vertical format (two columns) for the pros and cons under eachalternative as follows:Alternative #1: (State the alternative in bold). Describe the bold statement in 1 -2 sentences(not bold).Pros: - bold this subheadingCons: - bold this subheading- List pros in VERTICAL point form- List pros in VERTICAL point form- Single space- Single spaceRecommendation: Bold heading State the ONE alternative you are recommending in paragraph form. Avoid “I” statements when writing the case. Use the third person singular form. In two or three paragraphs defend why you chose this alternative and how it willassist the company1. Clearly outline specific steps of implementation2. Explain how all cons will be overcome for the alternative you choseAdditional Notes: Ensure that there is a cover sheet containing the case name, course name, numberand section, your name, the professor’s name and the date Number the pages Conduct a spellcheck Spell the professor’s name correctly Follow the guidelines set out in the course outline with regards to proper casewriting. USE HEADINGS!!!ASSESSMENT OF LEARNINGExaminationsTwo examinations will be given. These exams will consist of multiple choice, essay questions andproblem-solving applications, covering both assigned reading and lecture material. Make-upexams will not be given unless you furnish proof of exceptional circumstances (illness,hospitalization).MISSED EXAM AND LATE SUBMISSION POLICYIf you miss an exam for medical reasons, I can give you a make-up exam only if you provide a doctor’s4 of 12
note that certifies you were unfit to come to class on the day of the exam. In some cases, I may call thedoctor’s office to verify the validity of the doctor’s note. The Asper School also has a list of events forwhich accommodations will be made for a missed term exam (not final exam). Make-up exams will not begiven for any other reason. I cannot guarantee that the difficulty level of the makeup exam will be thesame as the one the rest of the class got received.Do not make travel plans before the Final Exam. I cannot give a make-up because you booked a flightticket for a date earlier than the scheduled Final Exam. In the event you have to miss the Final Exam for avalid reason as noted above, a request for a deferred exam must be made at your home Faculty’sUndergraduate Program Office (268 Drake, if you are an Asper student).As explained earlier, late submissions or assignments may lose marks.ATTENDANCE POLICYYou are allowed to miss a maximum of 3 classes without a valid excuse. Excused absences include amedical reason (with doctor’s note), travel for an approved academic event as per this Faculty-approvedlist of events, death of a close family member, or religious observation. In each of the above cases,documentation will be required. No other reason is considered a valid excuse.If a student has over 3 unexcused absences, this will result in an automatic grade reduction of one markper excess absence in the course. There will be no exceptions to this rule.Attendance will be taken daily starting Day 1. Marking attendance for a friend who is absent isAcademic Dishonesty and will be dealt with severely.Students are not permitted to exit the class during lecture period.ELECTRONIC DEVICE BANISHMENT POLICYYou may not use a laptop or tablet for note-taking.You are not allowed to use a cell phone in class, even if it were to access UM Learn or take notes.Switch your phone to airplane mode or turn it off before class begins.You may not audio/video record any lectures.OUT-OF-CLASS COMMUNICATIONPowerPoint files, assignment/project guidelines and other class-related files may be posted onUM Learn. Moreover, any announcements outside of class may be sent by e-mail from UM Learn. It isyour responsibility to check your U of M e-mail account frequently so that you don’t miss these emails.There are many questions that cannot be answered succinctly over email. If you email me a question,please consider whether it can be easily and effectively answered by email. If it cannot, please talk to meat the beginning of class. If I receive a question that is difficulty to answer electronically or will require alengthy response, I will ask you to discuss the topic in class instead.CLASS SCHEDULEDatesJan 7TopicsText ChaptersIntroduction and Course Overview5 of 12
Jan 9Jan 14Jan 16Jan 21Jan 23Jan 28Jan 30Feb 4Feb 6The World of Advertising & IntegratedBrand PromotionThe Structure of the Advertising &Promotion Industry: Advertisers, Agencies,Media, and Support OrganizersThe History of Advertising and BrandPromotionSocial, Ethical, and Regulatory Aspects ofAdvertising & PromotionAdvertising, Integrated Brand Promotion,and Consumer BehaviourChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Market Segmentation, Positioning, and theValue PropositionMarket Segmentation, Positioning, and theValue PropositionChapter 6Advertising ResearchPlanning Advertising and Integrated BrandPromotionChapter 7Chapter 6Chapter 8Feb 11Feb 13Midterm Exam (Chapters 1 – 8)Case and Exam PrepFeb 18Louis Riel Day, University ClosedFeb 20Winter Term Break, No ClassFeb 25Feb 27Managing Creativity in Advertising and IBPCase #1 DueChapter 9Mar 4Mar 6Creative Message StrategyExecuting the CreativeChapter 10Chapter 11Mar 11Media Planning EssentialsChapter 126 of 12
Mar 13Mar 18Mar 20Mar 25Mar 27Apr 1Apr 3Apr 8Media Planning: Newspapers, Magazines,TV, and RadioMedia Planning: Advertising and IBP inDigital and Social MediaSales Promotion, Point-of-PurchaseAdvertising, and Support MediaCase #2 DueEvent Sponsorship, Product Placements,and Branded EntertainmentIntegrating Direct Marketing and PersonalSellingPublic Relations, Influencer Marketing,and Corporate AdvertisingFinal Exam ReviewChapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMESAACSB Assurance of Learning Goals and ObjectivesThe Asp
The World of Advertising & Integrated Brand Promotion Chapter 1 Jan 14 The Structure of the Advertising & Promotion Industry: Advertisers, Agencies, Media, and Support Organizers Chapter 2 Jan 16 The History of Advertising and Brand Promotion Chapter 3 Jan 21 Social, Ethical, and Regulatory Aspects of Advertising & Promotion Chapter 4 Jan 23
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Marketing 3 HOS 309 Destination & Attractions Marketing None 3 MKT 302 Public Relations None 3 MKT 401 Consumer Behaviour MKT201 Principles of Marketing 3 MKT 402 Integrated Marketing Communication None 3 MKT 403 Market Research None 3 MKT 404 Sales Man
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Marketing . Communications . Media Strategy. MKT 4. Year 1 . Year 2 . MKT 4139 (Compulsory 30 credits) MKT 4060 . Strategic Brand Management Communications (Compulsory 30 credits) Exit Award: Postgraduate Certificate in Corporate and Marketing (60 credits) MKT 4147 Communication for Social ChangeAdvertising (Optional 15 credits) Exit Award .
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tle introduction into state-of-the-art description logics. Before going into technicalities the remainder of this section will brie y discuss how DLs are positioned in the landscape of knowledge representation formalisms, provide some examples for modeling features of DLs, and sketch the most prominent application context: the Semantic Web. Section 2 starts the formal treatment by introducing .