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ai**tt»n!«miK*«*«irf Wtt *,(4 V HACTUI,:;.II I.!Ei:OivIi\L !5 9S B 8ffiSLIBi .'.KYBEAD WEEKLY BY THECOM! LETE OOVEBAaE OFMAJORITY OP FAMILIESNEW HAVEN EASTOP A BUSY TOWKBranfo'rd s News - - Revie w\i CouncilDirector Fingerprint And PhotographyA renewal of old time Branford Communityversus New Haven rivalry is slated Roger Clark spoke Moriday night atCourse Diplomas Received Byfor tho spacious state armory court the January meeting of the ShortChief Woehrl? andOfficeron Montowese Street next Sunday Beach P. T, A.Commerford.Local Center At Town Hall Will Continue Under Direction Of Mrs, afternoon when Eddie "Shrimp' Director Clark, through arrangeStudent Of Harry Berman Begins Study In New York This WeekDorothy Wciil Wlio Will Ecfer Men To Proper New Haven' Flynn, well known Elm City public- ments with Superintendent of At the final exercises of the Cen—Will Appear In Woolsey Hall Next Month. —ist,bringsthePost47basketeersSchools Raymond Flnkham and the tral Fingerprint School, held at theSorvJoo.—ABSociation Electa Now Oflloorato town to oppose the once defeated Board of Education is conducting a Colonial House Thursday eveenlng,, Things arc moving fast this week'Branford's taleiited youhg violinVets.battery of Ave tests In all elemen- January 17th, CMet Christian G.for Veterans of World War ,11. Inist, Robert Dew has been given aHeading the vtiltlng array is tary schools. Tlicy Include various Wochrle and officer Francis T.tllolr owii tt,s.M)clatlrn they havescholarship by the Julliard Schoolplayer-coach James Vorlnls, famed jumps, a race, and basketball throw Commerford of the Branford Policeelected the following slate of ofof Music, New York Cityco-pllot of the Memphis Belle and Results taken now will be compared Department were awarded diplomasftcora: president Walter Reynolds;The nine year old lad Is an hon-;a former teammate of Majors Bob with those he expects to take at tho for completion of a fingerprint andvice pro.'ildcnt;' Joseph A. Donadlojor student at Hamden Hall, andDonnelly and Johnny Yu.slovlcz at close of school.secretary, Vincent P. Ralola" andpolice photography course. Twentybecauseof his age will continueConnecticut University.Ireasuror, George lioblle.Because of Weather' condition,'! three olficers from Ansonla, Derbythere until other arrangementsEqually brilliant In a playing ca- and room limitations he gave East Haven, Hamden,Meriden, SlielAs for the town:pacity arc the Sheehan brothers, standing broad Jump first and re- ton, WalUngford, Woodbrldge and Twenty-Eight Members Of Fly- can be made for schooling. UponAt a mooting of the executiveing Cloud Entered Armed the Insistance of the . Julliardcommlltco of the Veterans' Advls- Tho Woman's Democratic Club Johnny While, Paul eemekovltch, corded the distance made by each New Haven Annex were awardedSchool, young Dew will go to Newpry Committee the. following per- held their monthly meeting Janu- Kllger and Kroop. .Forces—Sponsored By Corc'or- York Saturdays tor special work.pupil. He visits each cla.i.s oiico a similar certificates.lions were added to tho member- ary 16 at their headquarters on It win bo a hall and farewell en- week for a 25 minute period. It will The course was sponsored byan-Sundquiat Post.Robert expects to be a concertship; Cllirom Collins, Roy Enqulst, Main Street. A special meeting was gagement for the Vets who will wel- take the first month to complete Chief Kenneth Howland of theviolinist and toward that end studJohn Carr, MaJ. Wlnthrop Towner, called for Wednesday evening Jan- come Bob Linden into the fold af- the battery.Theofficial'presentationoftheWoodbrldge Police Department andWilliam Ahorn, I, C. Jacocks, Dr. uary 23 at 8:00 o'clock at the home ter serving over three years with In connection with his provram to and organized with the assistance charter for Sea Scouts of S.S.S ies two hours dally. He Is also inRalph Cavallai'o, Dr. Charles Gay- of Mrs. Fred George,.the U. S. Navy and bid farewell to .Improve upon first tests he Is teach- ot the Connec tlcut F. B. I. Office at Flying Cloud will be made at the terested in art and chemistry anddabbles at composing, one compolord,!, Dr. Nathan Levy, Herbert It Is to be announced that tho Stan Petela who enters the Univer- ing coordination, rhythnl and groupSlate Armory, Friday, March 1st.Holman, Elbert Pearson, Clarence Annual Sliver Tea will be held at sity of Connecticut next Monday. games. Most of .the irooms have no New Haven. Tlio tlngcrprlrit in-1 Tills ship has seen 28 of its mem- sition, at least, he is ready to playMimger, Sherwood Boyd, Frederick the home of Mrs. Alfred Chmleleokl Old timers rate Petola as the best music or physical education equip .struct!ion was given by F. B. I.' bers enter the armed forces during In public.Hoiulo, John Sllnoy, Reginald Bald- 82 Rogers Street, Sunday afternoon shot ever to appear on a local floor. ment. By taking physical Special Agent.Lionel Y. Meunier. a the war and Is sponsored by Cor- At Julliard he will learn theoijwell-known lecturer on the subject.and harmony In addition to hiswin, Dar."! Promnn, Cornelius Dris- January 27 at 4:00.Teaming with the eagle eye will achievement tests at varloii. : timescoran-Sundqulst Post, AmericancoU, MaJ. noberfCate, William Van Tho committee for the tea are as be Howie Stoftons, ifaul Ward, Steve be hopes to find-marked improve, Police Photography was taught by Legion. An attractive program for regular violin study. Credit tor hisSpecialAgentArthurBourqueofaccomplishments are largely due toWllgcn, Solly Donadlo, and Mrs. follows: Mrs. Charles Callahan, Hylenskl, Bill Fortune, Vic Lukaw- ment by June.the New York F. B! I. Field Office! the year Is being mapped out and his instructor Harry Berman.Dorothy H, Neal. ' Mrs. Joseph Zukowski, Mrs. Sanford sky. Bill Owens, Mink Swirsky, Paulthe presentation ceremony will beWhenprenentingthediplomas,The New Haven Symphony OrThe executive committee accep- Semegran, Mrs. Fred Georg, Mrs. Llpkvlch and Bill Clancy.Chief Kenneth Howland compli- a colorful affair.chestra has announced tliat he willted with regret the reslghatlon of Bernard Ericson, Mrs. Alfred Chmle- The Vet-lets will meet the PostPlans for the ceremony are being appear in Woolsey Hall, FebruarymentedtheofficersfortheirkeenMrs. Constance T. Myers as execu- leokl, and Mrs. Stacy Ward, Jr.47 seconds In an early attraction.Interest and enthusiasm in the completed by Skipper Walter Hal- 9tli in the Young People's Concerttive secretary and appointed Mrs. Mrs. Sanlord Semegran Is tocourse. He added that a course of ller and Mate Jerry Giordano of series, playing "Violin Concerto"Dorothy II. Nool director of the pour, assisted by Mrs. , Charlesthis type will promote a standard the S.S.S. Flying cloud; Delos L. No. 4 D Major," first movement—center, as executive secretary to Callahan. The guests of honor aresystem of classifying of flnger- Blanchard and Phelps, Wall repre- Mozart.succeed bo First Selectman Clifford ColprllntsIn the various police depart- senting Boy Scouts of America and He played Monti's "Czadas" andJohn Sralnerd, . chairman, an- lins and Mrs. Collins, (Cnd Secondmentsothat identification will be Commander Charles Bedlont, Rob- Borowski's "Adoration" in the Vicnounces that fimds are mad? avail- Selectman Louis Atwater and Mrs.moreeasilyobtained. He stated that ert Richardson, Ernest Albertlne, tory Concert at library Hall Inable for Branford to participate In Atwater.Georgia Chapter No. 48, O.E.S such training will decrease de- Charles Viard, George Hanson, September, in a post-lenten contho Veterans Service; Center locn,twelcomed visiting matrons ' and ficiency of police Investigations. He William Kremser for Corcoran-; cert, he appeared there with "Coned In the Cedar, Street School, Newpatrons Monday evening In Ma-' added that the officers had applied Sundqulst Post.certo Opus 12, Adagio, Allegro rlHaven. By tho town's participating.sonic Hall.themselves to the Instruction and All members of Boy Scouts and solutoV—Seitz. He was featured inIn the center, vocational councilingpersons interested in scouting are the Johnson Junior Syniphony inRelief workers In all the bombed, Ofllcer.3 of the evening.were Mrs; grasped the subpoct readily.VlU bo available to all veterans demined, burned-over countries re- Llla Mears, Mi-. Harry Pennlman, The main speaker of the evening invited to witness the ceremony.Woolsey Hall at the age of seven.slrlnjj thi.'s sprvloo.port a desperate need for work Mrs. Elizabeth Mahon, Mr. Edwin was Roger P. Gleason, Special Membership is open. Interested A year later ho played "Concerto InThis service Is conducted by thoclothes and shoes.Quick, Mrs. ]borp,thy Hanover, Mrs. Agent in Charge of the New Haven boys may contact Skipper Halller. A Mlnor"mVivaldi in the Musical'stttto and twelve surrounding towns The Branford Electric Railway Most acutely lacking are ovei:alls, Edith Schoe{Ile'j , Mrs. Glenna crookArt Society Christmas program.OfBoo. Mr. Gleason, who hasF.B,I.coutilbiite to Its flnancd. Branford's Association Inc. meets frekuently in bootis, work slilrts, jeans, and roughMiss Mabel Ou n, Mrs. Lois Mallin- asslsled"m7ny 7olTce"arpwtmentesThe National Federation ot Mushare is approximately 000.the interest of the National Trolley warm clothing suitable for fanners! son, Mrs. Jane Barnes, Mrs. Doro-1 In ti,5g poiigg training program,sic, Clubs said "excellent and suIn'addition ,tp joining the New Museulm project. An October 7 who must work in the fi?lds andl thyCoUomore, Mrs. Alice Benolt. also praised the officers for theirperior". "Tho boy should be watchHaven Center, the committee will about 35 mccn enjoyced a shore bams' in all weather, or fol: their Mrs. May Harris, Miss Evelyn Gibed for he is certainly promising."Interest in fingerprinting and addedcontinueI i n, tot„ operate., ii the»!. localT,T „icen.111 idlnner at Wilcox's Plecir and adopt- families who must trudge long dis- son, Mrs. Grace Ordway, Mrs. Agnes that a knowledge of fingerprintAt that time at the age ot 8 theyter in ths town hall. .Mrs, Nearwill oumn iA general tances to market, school, or church. Smith, Mrs. Nellie Harris, Mr.awarded htm the Scroll of Congrathelp veterans with their i o: % Jurch r ,B R M A,oL Keep In mind the serious plight Frank Slmler, Mr. Andrew Schoef- identlfieatjon is essential In Innumerable oases, lie added,or problems, with special reference of New Englands foremost electric of farm families the world over;,Robert comes from a family otwere solved through queries' concerning mustering railways civil ehglnles and histori- when you ransacic your closets, at- fler.He traced the history of -finger- The young people of the First music lovers on his paternal side.but pay, securing medical care, cal authority was guest. The meet- tics, chests for the Victory ClothHisbrother Henry is an accomprint Identification and stated that Congregational Church School willeducation, filing a claim for coming Collection for overseas the present time millions of Conduct the 10:45 service in cele- plished pianist but is not ambitiouspensation or vocational training ing adjoined early in ordor that a In a large measure, the well-beingftagerprlnt cards are on file in the bration of Youth Fellowship week, to making it his lite work.' Hisand will assist In making out forms. trip over tho Branford lino might be of any country depends on theIt Is hoped, that all veterans will made:F.B. I. Identification Division in Representatives of the Young father, Albert, plays both violin andNov. U in tlie James Street Barn farmer's ability to produce food. Hevisit Mrs. Neal with problems. IfWashington, D. C. This file enabled People will conduct divine worship. piano and an aunt was an operamusthaveclothingtoenablehimthey then consider It necessary to officers were elected. Tho offer of to carry on his enforcement agencies through- This Fellowship Week program Is singer.consult with the state authorities tho Connecticut Railway Historicalout thenation toIdentify conducted In Churches of the naIn New Haven, the necessary ap Society to donate two sots of trolley Mrs. John Waters, chairman oftion.criminals.polntments will be made before the lino signals was accepted. Hare the Victory Clothing Drive said Rev. B. C. Hophwald with Mrs. Other . guests Included ' were Participating will be Lura Ellsveteran goes to the New Haven again the meeting adjourned with last evening that the local response Hochwald and their little daughter Special Agents Stanley S. Chmlei, worth, Grant Brlggs, Donald Courthas been "marvelous". She spokea ride over the Branford line.Center,Lionel L. Meunier and ArthurThe Five mile Beach Electric especially of the number of shoes are settled in the Man e Rogers Bourque, as well as the chiefs of sal, Ronald K. Devine, Herbert W.Thayer, Donald L. Thayer, RobertStreet.Railway Co. of Wlldrood. N. J. has sent In—a sorely needed Item.Rev. Hochwald has already taken police from the various police de- LC. Stevens, Mary J. Arrostrongjdonated one of their single track,Used Greetingup his work as pastor of First Con- partments and Mayor Thomas Nancy J. Noell, David P. Nygardnine-bench open cars.John E Nygard.gregation church. He was discharg- Nlllegan of Ansonia.Card Collectioned December 30 after three and aThe sermon will be entitled The annual meeting of Masonhalf years in thoi Army, two years"Youtli-Respector of tradition," de Rogers Women's Relief Corps was Goes Very W e l lllvered by Youth Director Paul held Thursday, following a lunchof which were with the Infantry toeon served by Mrs. Nellie Rice, Mrs.Prulttthe Pacific.The Cliristmas Card collectionElizabeth Saunders and Mrs. LouiseAt a meeting of the Women's In connection with -his Armystarted last week Is proving a sucBraridrlff. The following officers forRepublican Club held last Monday career he was'twice decorator for,ces3. Many cards are coming Inthe coming year were elected:at the home ot Mrs. Irving N. Har- heroism. He wears the, bronze Auto accidents for 1945 increasedfrom all over the state. Tiiose wishMrs. Bertha Lounsbui'y, presirison East Main Street, the speak- Star medal with oak leaf cluster 30 percent over he previous yearing to contribute may do so bydent; Mrs. Florence Whitcomb, seer was Lieut. Elizabeth A. Hoiyell, tor galantry in action ho received There were three fatal accidentsbringing used cards to George Mynior vice president; Mrs. Annaron at the Review office or send Fifty members attended the regu- recently discharged rom the the silver star. He was twice woun- 'causing the death of two pedestriCrookshank, jimlor vice president;them to his home Route 80, North lar weekly noonday luncheon of the United States Army Air Corps, hav- ded and has the purple heart.'ans and one occupant of a car SevenMrs. Nellie Buell, chaplain; Mrs.Bra;iford. The distribution of these Branford Rotary Club hold Mon. ing been stationed at Randolph Rev. Hochwald ,is a graduate of pedestrians received injuries and 50cards w ll be made through the day at the Old Town restaurant Field, Texas,Brown Univrsity and Andovor T'heo- occupants. Three bicycle riders At a recent meeting of the Wo Carrie Lounsbury, treacufer;'s Republican Club the follow- Catherine Page, secretary;' Mrs."Save the Children Federation" Sgt. Richard S. Chapman of Gull- Lieut. Howell spent .thirty-two loglcal School. He received his were injured.where they will be shipped to vari- ford was guest speaker. Sgt Chap months In the service, including masters degwe at the Univcrity of Eighty autohioblle accidents were ing officers were elected, and the Roblna Zvonkovic, conductress;committees were ap Mrs. Elizabeth Olver, assistant conous ho.spitals according to their man was taken prisoner by the Ja time spent at Officers' Training N. H.reported this year compared with followingductress; Mrs. Louise' Brandritt,pointed to serve for 1946.need. Arthur Godfrey of Station panose on Bataan and was in a School, being one of forty chosen Before entertag service he was 62 In 1944.guard; Mrs. Maud'Walker, assistantWABO has done a great .deal in be prison camp on Luzon for three out ot Ave thousand for training. pastor ot the Second CongregaPresident,Mrs.A.W.BowmanPolice Chief Christian B. Woehrleguard; Mrs. Abble Close, patriotichalf of these children by making years, He spoke of the disease Her experiences ranged from gen- tional Chorch Conway, N. H.vicepresident, speaking yesterday of the 30instructor; Mrs. Catherine Page,this appeal on his program. All suffering and brutality throughout eral executive to finding quartersberg;secretary,Mrs.ArthurD.Boupercent Increase warned againstpress correspondent; Mrs. Abblecards will be shipped January 31st. the, prison camps. Stressing our for servicemen's wives and famitiiller;treasurer,Mrs.WilliamF.pedestrians walking with traffic.Close, musician. Color bearers's lack of preparedness atThey should walk on highwaysnamed as follows: first, Mrs. NellieTRIFOUUM CARD PARTYthe time of our cntrylnto war. Sgt In spite of Inclement weather thefacing traffic and should takee the Reuel O. Llndbqrg; hospitality Rice; second, Mrs. Elizabeth Saunls:,ln Progress precautionschairman,Mrs.ThomasJ.Hopper;Thursday; February 7, Trlfolium Chapman is .an able speaker and large attendance was well repaidof wearing somethirigders; third, Mrs. Susan Palmer;,will hold a,card party in Trinity one of the comparatively few survi- b y Lieut. . Howell's talk, as shelight colored to be visiable at night. reception committee chairman, Mrs. fourth, Mrs. Harriet Fofbes.brought out the fact that the WAC Branford has never ritlsed money Bicycle riders should, be said, George J. Fouser; membership comParish House at 8 o'clock. Mrs, sors. mittee, Mrs. Arthur p . Boutillier, Mrs. Bertha Lounsbury was theArchibald Hanna, general chairman Among tho visiting Rotarians capably filled a definite need in enough to care for Its own victimslearn the rules of the road and Mrs. Addyn W; Beach, Mrs. Bertha installing officer and Mrs. Roblnahas the assistance of Mrs. -Philip were: Rev. E. C. Hochwjld ot the tho services ot our country, which of infantile paralysis, but hopes are obeythem.should always M. Lounsbury; ways and meahs svonkovic was the conductress.'' ''" Drivers"MeKeon, tickets and refreshments; Conway, N. H. Rotary Club, Elton has been warmly acknowledged by high that the drive will go over the drivewith caution to prevent un- committee chairman, Mrs. E. this year.; Checks should beMrs. Joseph Bisher, refreshments; W'etmore and W. J. Everett, both of high ranking ofliclals.necessaryaccident,"Ifnot sure, Bartholomew; telephone committeemailed to Mi-s. Roger A. BentonKITCHEN BAND PROGRAMMrtf, Robert .banzero, publicity; Hamden; A. O. Worthen. of Newstop". It is better to be sate than Mrs. Winfleld R. Morgan, SThe regular meeting of theMrs. Prcderic R. Murray, table Haven, and Louis Rocheleau nfantileParalysis.JolmBarry,or83Hopsonaveprizes; Mlss Dorothy Beach, tables. East Haven. Also Mr. B. S. WIlBranford Grange No. 200 will beLowe, Mrs. Albert R. Ferin, Mrs. held to night at 8 at Svea Hall.nue, husband ot the late Bridget Charles N. Baxter Is chairman toford, formerly of Branford, and Egan Barry, died Tuesday morn raise funds for the National FounRECEIVES GIFTRoland F. Goler.The lecturer's program will conIN SESSIONnow of Cornwall who was the guestBoys of the Cherry Hill 4-:H Clubsist ot a "Kitchen Band" with theThe Board" of Tax Review will be of her l rother-hi-law, Mr. Wiliam Ing in New Haven hospital after dation, Ifty, percent of the amount recently presented their ounth.BMneralfollowing members taking part:in session in the Town hall Friday, Hitchcock, Sr. services will bo held from the Wil- Neow Haven Coimty.MrsJohnMcCabewithanearringSANDAVAILABLEMrs. Arthur Hallden, accordianlst,February 1-'2I to act upon appealsset.Sand boxes have been placed Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hatt, Mr. andliam S. Clancy Memorial Homefrom the doings of the assessors.near Brewer's Store, on the Green Mrs. James' Sebold, Mr, and Mrs.AIRPLANE CONTESTTO SPEAK HEREFriday morning Ut 8;30 and at 9 aand at Tuckers for use by the gen- Earl Baldwin, Mrs. Ruth Ryan,INTBSrr TO SELL. Ude Ji Murray's model airplane requiem high mass" will be sung at Lt. Col. Charles Egley of. NewSENT-TO ATHENSeralpublic during this slippery Mrs. Marlon Berger and Mrs.Harry Morris, son of Mr. and contest opens Monday and con- St. Mary's church. Interment will Haven will spiak at the February Eugene R. Gronler of Townsend weather.meeting of Associated Business. He Ave., New Haven has recorded aLaura Doebrlck.Mrs. John Morris,Montowese tinues through February 11, Any be In St. Agnes field representative for the Con- notice of intent to sell tho White The selectmen Invite you to useStreet, leaves this week for Athens Ijoy interested may contact BobItandsuggestyoutakeasmallHomemakers meet Friday mornComer atMain Democratlu Club members wiU necticut Veterans Reemployment Way. Fish Market, 294 Main Street,whQfe he joins the staff of thB.w ,.,»,i- . Firestone.v. . Store,box of it Teresa at the at headquarters Friday night and Advisory Comniitteo.American Ambassador to Greece, js rcct for Information,Sea Scout ShipTo Get CharterIn The ArmoryDemocrats PlanTo Hold AnnualSilver SocialA\'-Railway MuseumReceives GiftsEastern StarsWork Clothes State OfficersComeToNo.Sadly NeededIn War AreasYouth PlanningFellowship WeekChurch ServiceRev. HpchwaldBegins ChurchService HereMrs. LounsburyHeads ReliefCorps For 1946Sgt. R. ChapmanFormer Bala anPrisoner Talk*Lt. Eliz. HowellSpebks To ClubAuto AccidentsShow IncreaseWomen ElectNew Officersai:"""TSHORE COMMUNITIESCombined W i t h The Branford Review 'Post 47 Seeks Physicd Ed. Two Men Given Nine Year Old ViolinistBranford Joins StateWin Over Vets Tests Given Police SchoolVeteran Aid Set-Up In Sunday Tilt To Children Certificates Robert Dew, ReceivesTo Assist ReturneresJulliard ScholarshipI *'/ -« ir'r H 'f i ! Thurgday, January 24, 1846THE BEAKFOED BEVTOW - EAST HAVEN WEWBPAOE SIQHTWi a '; iM&M iVOL. II—NO. 20East Haven, Connecticut Thursday, Januaiy 31, 1940STRICTLY LOCAL Rotary Club HearsTalk On PenicillinPREVUES. VIEWS AND REVIEWSKin Of HeroesGet Gold StarCitations HereTwo Dollars Per YearTOWN TOPICSEdward Burt, registered phar- ] Is not a cutjc-all. Malaria, tubercumaclsti of the staff ot the Holcomb losis, typhoid, leukemia, and In behalf of tho erntorul peopleFROM OUR REPORTERS' NOTEBOOKSDrug Co., was guest speaker at the cancer are a few ot the pathologi- of East Haven, Mr.sf Selectmanluncheon meeting of the Rotary cal conditions In which penlclllon James J Sullivan addressed theclub Thursday In the auditorium of Is not effective.CLEARING HOUSE FOR DATESfamilies ot Haven's heroes Ready fur Shortest IMoiith.after two years service most ofSt. Vincent de Paul's church Mr. However, an advantage of penl- who'lost their lives In tho recentwhich was In tho South Pacific andThe thouglit onnie to us tlie pnsl week, when lln-ec or four im- Burt, graduate of the college of cilllil ovpr certain other drugs IsFebruarymarkshalf-waymarkwar In an Impressive ceremony inIs now with his wife and son atportant community nll'air.s were all held on the same evening, that it Pharmacy of Connecticut College that the action of penicillin Is not the Town Hall Tliursday night ot winter.tholr home at 30 Estellco extentbymight be well i!or tlie good of all concerned if Haven had awhen Qold Star Citations \yere Month of parties and fcstivUcs,from the Yale Qraduato school,Fred Dalil and Jack Splllanic who8lv6n by Harry R. Bnrtlett post,"clearing house for dafes". Public functions, entertainments, sup- spoke interestingly on' "The Phar- the presence of pus.Tho best 'method ot administer- American Legion. His remarks wlUi Valentine Day, Ltncoln',s Ulrtli- left n sliorl jtlmc agu for a slioripers, meetings and the like, are usually planned well in advance. macist and Penicillin.".ing penicillin is by injection, un- were well chosen .and much ap- day and Washington's Ith'thday vnontlon trip to Ui« south have reIcmlUig nolorful toucli to a dreary turned. They passed (Ihrcnisli manyTlicre really should be no conflict in tlie sotting of dates, Imt unfor- He said that the posIblUtles of ually Into the Inuscle, since thepreciated by tho large audlcnoo attunately when several organizations are planning ahead they have penicillin in medicine were dis- drug Is destroyed by the acid of the tending. A public Invltlatlon of new I period.places of interest Including Washno way of knowing Avhat tlie others are doing and quite often affairs covered accidentally by the English stomach, However, penlelUln may Post monbers also featured the Infantile Paralysis drive with inc ton, I). C.,Fleming, In 192D. For be admhilstdred by mouth whenare timed fortlie same evening." No one can attend two or tliree pub- scientist,March ot Dimes comes to close tomore than ten years following tlio It Is eomblned with other sub- meeting.Congratulations to Ltmls Maglic functions at the same timi and disappointments are likely to en- drugwas investigated as to its pos- stances win; diicreaso the stomach Here Is the Oold Star list ot East day. Was qulto a success and gloro of the East Haven Greenworkersdeservebighandfortheirsue unless some provision is iiiudo in advance to avoid setting a date sible role in medicine, and also to acidity temporarily, A larger dose, Haven heroes;Garage on his birthday January 23.fine efforts.detorinlne a method ot mass pro- than Is glv n "by Injection, Is re- 2nd Lieut. Johh Edward Cox'upon wliioh some otlier important affair is to talie place.nir.'i. Ivan I.nng'liout, Die Cornierquired in such cases. For local in- Ppt. Thomas Nicholas Penney"We thought that porlinps it would lie sometliing in the way of duction.CloUiin drive for overseas relict niiss Shirley Uanibricnl, Ls visitini:a public service if THE NEWS were to set apart a little space, possi- Since Penicillin Is a' mold and fections of the mouth In which S-Sgt Joseph. Ferrnlolaalso nl end with eood quantity of with her parents nt t'hcir liomc inbly on our front page each weSk where advance dates could be listed. must be grown, greot care had to penicillin Is effective, Mr. Burt T-Sgt. Richard John Foxclot'lilng «n 'hand wliicli will bring Main street. lAtcr .she will join herI t would aid materially then it the committees or puljlieity chairman be observed in supplying favorable gave a demonstration ot the pre- Pfc. Francis Irving Hamiltonmeasure of .conifort .(o .Uiosc .In husband at Lavcrnc, Minn., tlmiragrowth.Pvt, Thomas Bergen'HariJoyof tlic organizations planning affairs were to mail these dates to usdevastated countries who arc in dire 'he ,.recently .,))urc1mscd .a ericanpharPfc. Peter Raymond Hussmanas far in advance as possible so tliatthey oiin have a weeltly listingneed.field. She was discliargcd recentlyfor the benefit of others wlio are also making plans, and for the pub- maceutical manufacturers succeed- plcasatitly rflavdred, and sweetcd Sgt. Matthew Gaetano LlmoncollIfrom the V. S. Marine rmousquantiE-4 Domenlc Harry MelllloAtty. Tliomas F. Rellly due backlic at large.With this issue we are commencing the publication of .such a ties of the drug, while at the pre- service btfeircd to the medical and Mus. 3-0 James Francis Mlnahan- this week from Sunny Southland.Mr, and Mrs. Louis Rocheleau ot"clearing housS for d a t e s " with the hope that it may be useful in sent time 615 billion units are pro- de ntal-protfesslons of the comunlty Sgt. Frank Peter MorroneSaltonslall Parkwoy and Mr. thandsomenew.aiitonio1st Lt. Burdett Marvin Pagopreventing conflicts in tho future. If we can have the cooperation ofbilcs arrives in town. It's a Dodge, Mrs. John H. Wheeler ot 30 FooteThe production and distribution Pfc, Emll Joseph Papalethe various organizations, we believe tliat such a "clearing liouse" This Is distributed approximatlyand can be seen on dls:i)1ay In sales- road, left this week by automblleequallyamongstforeigncountries,Is under the supervision ot the S2c Arthur James Pechor'will prove of value to all.rooms of Scanlon & rairnnm In for a six weeks stay at SpanishUNRRA, and our civilian popular Pure Food and Drug Division ot S2c John William ShepardCouts, West Palm Beach, Pla.Main street.tlon.the IT. s. government. To prevent Sgt. Izek Louis SlopLONG LOOKED FOR IMPROVEMENTAs a drug, penicillin has been In- misuse the drug, he pointed out Is Pfc. Frank Anthony SquegUaNathan Cohen back at Metcalf's John Howe, whose farm up in tlie.Especially gratifying was tlie recent announcement by First Se- valuable to the medical profession, sold and administered only under Pvt, Domlnlc YadarestoDrug Store after five day trip to Farm River Valley Is .one .,of sicianorPvt,RichardWallaceMolloylectman James J. Sullivan of his receipt of a communication fromBoston and vicinity where he bcst-kcpl in lilicsc iiar ts, tells usPfc. Fredeic Norbort BurdotteState Higliway Commissioner W. . Cox and Deputy Commissioner many serious conditions, penicillin dentist.visited some ot the leading retail he's all ready to greet the gnnindSgt,WalterCharlesOoodrlchA W. Bushell stating that an early start will be made on the pavedrug stores In that area. Brought hog c

Branfo'rd s News - - Revie w Branford Joins State Veteran Aid Set-Up To Assist Returneres Democrats Plan . Mrs. Joseph Zukowski, Mrs. Sanford Semegran, Mrs. Fred Georg, Mrs. . Miss Mabel Ou n, Mrs. Lois Mallin- asslsled"m7ny 7olTce"arpwtmentes son, Mrs. Jane Barnes, Mrs. Doro-1 In ti,5g poiigg training program, .

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