Onboarding Guide - California State University, Fullerton

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Onboarding GuideTable of ContentsAccess to CHRS Recruiting . 2Introduction . 5Accessing the Onboarding Portal for New Employees . 5Department Users Accessing Onboarding Tasks for New Employees . 9

Access to CHRS RecruitingThe CHRS Recruiting system is a single system that serves all CSU campuses. Your campus user nameand password identifies you as an internal CSU user. Only internal users can access the system.SSO stands for single sign-on, also known as our campus portal. With SSO enabled, you do not needto log in to separate websites because you have already logged in to the CSU intranet.Depending on your user role, there are fields shown throughout this guide that are accessible for yourreview. If you need to change your user role or access in CHRS Recruiting, the IT HR Access RequestForm (ARF) must be completed. The Department IT Coordinator (DITC) will typically complete the ITHR ARF for new employees. Current employees who need to change their access must also submit anIT HR ARF; check with your department for guidance.1. Open a web browser(Google Chrome isrecommended)IMPORTANT: POP-UPBlocker needs tobe turned-off.09/29/2021Page 2 of 15

2. Log into the Portaland enter yourusername andpassword09/29/2021Page 3 of 15

3. Search for the CHRSCurrent Portal (before 10/4/2021):Recruiting AppNew Portal (as of 10/4/2021):09/29/2021Page 4 of 15

IntroductionAfter the selected, Final Candidate has accepted the offer, they will gain access to theOnboarding Portal. The Onboarding Portal has a welcome video, links to related employeeinformation, and onboarding tasks that are generated by the selected onboarding workflow onthe offer card.This guide will detail the onboarding component of the CHRS Recruiting system, and highlighthow department users can support new employees with completing all onboarding tasks.Accessing the Onboarding Portal for New Employees1. Onboarding PortalAccess for the NewEmployeeA. New employees willbe able to access theonboarding portalthrough their CHRSRecruiting applicantportalB. After accepting theposition, a yellowbanner will display atthe top of theirapplicant portalC. They will select “Go toemployee portal” toenter the onboardingportal09/29/2021Page 5 of 15

2. Onboarding PortalA. Employees cannavigate to thefollowing tabs on theportal to learn moreabout the campusand resourcesavailable to them: AAbout (theuniversity) Total Wellness EmployeeResourcesBACB. A welcome messageand video will greetthe new employeeC. The selectedonboarding workflowwill generate tasksthat the employeewill need to complete09/29/2021Page 6 of 15

3. Completing EachTaskWhen a task isselected, a pop-upAscreen will display.Tasks will containguidance foremployees. Severaltasks will have links todocuments that willneed to be completedand submitted by theemployee.A. The due date for theselected task will bedisplayedB. After completing thetask, employeesshould select the“Mark as completed”button at the bottomleft of the screenC. “Close” at thebottom right of thescreen can beselected to close thetask screen09/29/2021BACAPage 7 of 15

4. Completed TasksCompleted tasks willhave a strikethroughthe task, as well ashave a checkmarkwhen viewing all taskson the onboardingportal.09/29/2021Page 8 of 15

Department Users Accessing Onboarding Tasks for New EmployeesSupervisors and Onboarding Delegates will have access to view onboarding tasks for their newemployees. To ensure these users can see the new employee’s onboarding tasks, please ensurethat their name is listed in the corresponding fields on the offer card.1. OnboardingDelegates andReports ToSupervisorsA. OnboardingDelegates – Withinthe “Onboardingsection” of the offercard for a selectedcandidate, names canbe entered as“OnboardingDelegates”. Theseusers, and the“Reports To”supervisor, will be ableto review the new hiretasks assigned to boththe new hire, and thetasks assigned to thesupervisor 09/29/2021OnboardingDelegates 2 and3 will be the onlyusers to receivee-mail remindersof tasks needingto be completedPage 9 of 15

2. Viewing OnboardingTasks for a NewEmployeeSupervisors andOnboarding Delegatescan navigate to the“Offers” tile on theirdashboard and select“New Hires” to viewonboarding tasks fornew hires.Users can also accessnew hire onboardingtasks by selecting “MyNew Hires” from theMain Menu. The nextfew screenshotscorrespond to My NewHires (there is anotheroption called “My NewHire Tasks” that will bediscussed later in thisguide).3. My New HiresA. Users will have theability to search for adesired candidateusing severalparametersB. Select “View alltasks” for thedesired candidate09/29/2021ABPage 10 of 15

4. New Hire TasksA. Users can displaytasks based on theperson that they areassigned to: All eeABAB. Users can select atask to view.5. Viewing a TaskWhen a task isselected, users will beable to see the task asit was written for theuser assigned.A. When a hiringmanager orOnboarding Delegateviews a task that isassigned to theManager/Supervisor,the option of“Complete task” willbe availablePlease note that onlythe assigned user canmark the task ascomplete.A09/29/2021Page 11 of 15

6. Adding and EditingtasksA. Users can select“Add new task” or“Add” in the taskgroup to add to thelist of tasks thatneed to becompletedB. The pencil icon canbe selected toupdate the task.Users should onlyedit tasks that theycreatedABCC. Tasks with a trashcan icon areoptional. Users canreview the task, anddelete as necessary09/29/2021Page 12 of 15

7. Adding a New TaskUsers will need tocomplete the followingscreen to create a newtask.A. If users have a taskthat is usedrepeatedly for allnew hires, they canselect the “Add tofavorites” box. Thiswill allow the user toselect this task to beadded to each newemployee whenviewing their tasklist.A09/29/2021Page 13 of 15

8. Favorite TasksAfter a task is added tothe favorite task list,users will see this taskunder their “MyFavorite Tasks” listing.By selecting the plusicon they can add thistask to the new hirethey are currentlyviewing.9. Completed TasksWhen a task iscompleted, the statusof the task will beupdated to“Completed” in the tasklist.09/29/2021Page 14 of 15

10.Bulk CompleteUsers that would like tomark tasks complete inbulk, can do so bynavigating to the “Newhire tasks” button onthe “Offers” tile ontheir dashboard, or byusing the Main Menu.On this following page,tasks can be filtered byemployee or task.BA. Users can select thedesired tasks.B. Users can thenselect “BulkComplete” to markall selected tasks ascompleted.09/29/2021APage 15 of 15

information, and onboarding tasks that are generated by the selected onboarding workflow on the offer card. This guide will detail the onboarding component of the CHRS Recruiting system, and highlight how department users can support new employees with completing all onboarding tasks. Accessing the Onboarding Portal for New Employees 1 .

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