Casteel High SchoolPi-Rate Math DepartmentM ATH TE ACHERSTeacher/ClassMrs. BandinPre-AlgebraMrs. HernandezPre-AlgebraMr. KalscheurAccelerated MathRoomC-20C-14C-15Mrs. KhanHonors Algebra 2Honors GeometryA-21Mrs. KingMath 7Algebra 1Honors Algebra 1Mrs. LooftHonors AlgebraC-19C-16Mr. MarshAlgebra 1Honors GeometryMrs. PowersHonors Pre-AlgebraMiss SinghMath 7C-18A-23A-26Mr. WilsonGeometryHonors Algebra 1Honors Pre-CalculusOur goal is to prepareyou for any challenging orrough seas ahead.From Mrs. King’s “HereFishy, Fishy problem” toMr. Wilson’s advancedmathematics “breakingthe ice, pick-up lines”, wewill support you andguide you past anyadversity and give youthe tools to besuccessful.So put on your eyepatches and wooden legsand prepare for a journeyinto uncharted watersand riches beyond yourimagination!GRADINGGrading Scale:A100% – 90%B89% – 80%C79% – 70%D69% – 60%F59% – 50%A-22Mr. WiltGeometryAlgebra 1We are your mathteachers, and as mathteachers you betterbelieve we have manyproblems.C-13Mr. StoltenbergHonors Algebra 2Honors GeometryWelcome Colts, toCasteel High School!A-24Mr. SellaroMath 7WELCOMEA-20We teach algebra So you can help us find XEach level ofmathematics here atCasteel focuses heavilyon the ability to problemsolve. We teach usingthe growth mindsetfoundation in which eachstudent can havesuccess in mathematicsno matter what skills orlevel of ability theyperceive to have. Ourfocus on problem solvingSemester GradeCalculation:Quarter 1 or 3Grade40 %Quarter 2 or 4Grade40%Semester FinalExam20%gives students the toolsand experiences to solveapplication and analyticalproblems. With thisapproach, students areexpected to completeassignments and testswith all work organizedand answers toapplication problemswritten in full sentences.50% Policy:If a student does their best effort on atest or assignment then the lowestgrade they will receive is a 50%.Policy does NOT apply if a studentdoes not turn in, complete, do theirbest work or if a student cheats on atest or assignment. In any of thesecases the test or assignment willreceive a 0%.
Pi-Rate Math DepartmentQUARTER GRADE & MATERIALS BREAKDOWNCLASSMath 7McGraw Hill CommonCore Course 2 WorkbookPre-AlgebraMcGraw Hill CommonCore Course 3 WorkbookAlgebra 1Big Ideas Algebra 1(Online/Class Textbook)GeometryBig Ideas Geometry(Online/Class Textbook)Accelerated MathMcGraw Hill CommonCore Course 2 and Course3 WorkbooksHonors Pre-AlgebraMcGraw Hill CommonCore Course 3 WorkbookHonors Algebra 1Big Ideas Algebra 1(Online/Class Textbook)Honors GeometryBig Ideas Geometry(Online/Class Textbook)Honors Algebra 2Big Ideas Algebra 2(Online/Class Textbook)Honors Pre-CalculusDemana Pre-Calculus andCalculusCalculus AB/BCDemana Calculus and APPrep WBQuarter GradeWeightTest Re-Takes“A Golden Ticket”Calculator PolicyNo cell phone calculatorMaterials toPurchaseHomework – 40%Tests – 60%1 Golden Ticket per quarterHave to complete teacher’srequirements in order to qualifyScientific calculator will beused on certain applicationproblemsCoordinate Grid PaperNotebookHomework – 40%Tests – 60%1 Golden Ticket per quarterHave to complete teacher’srequirements in order to qualifyScientific calculator will beused on certain applicationproblemsCoordinate Grid PaperNotebookHomework – 30%Tests – 70%1 Golden Ticket per quarterHave to complete teacher’srequirements in order to qualifyGraphing CalculatorTI-84 or HigherCoordinate Grid PaperNotebookHomework – 30%Tests – 70%1 Golden Ticket per quarterHave to complete teacher’srequirements in order to qualifyGraphing CalculatorTI-84 or HigherCoordinate Grid PaperCompassProtractorHomework – 40%Tests – 60%1 Golden Ticket per quarterHave to complete teacher’srequirements in order to qualifyScientific calculator will beused on certain applicationproblemsCoordinate Grid PaperNotebookHomework – 40%Tests – 60%1 Golden Ticket per semesterHave to complete teacher’srequirements in order to qualifyScientific calculator will beused on certain applicationproblemsCoordinate Grid PaperNotebookHomework – 30%Tests – 70%1 Golden Ticket per semesterHave to complete teacher’srequirements in order to qualifyGraphing CalculatorTI-84 or HigherCoordinate Grid PaperNotebookHomework – 30%Tests – 70%1 Golden Ticket per semesterHave to complete teacher’srequirements in order to qualifyGraphing CalculatorTI-84 or HigherCoordinate Grid PaperCompassProtractorHomework – 20%Tests – 80%1 Golden Ticket per semesterHave to complete teacher’srequirements in order to qualifyGraphing CalculatorTI-84 or HigherCoordinate Grid Paper3 Ring BinderHomework – 20%Tests – 80%1 Golden Ticket per semesterHave to complete teacher’srequirements in order to qualifyGraphing CalculatorTI-84 or HigherCoordinate Grid Paper3 Ring BinderHomework – 10%Tests – 90%1 Golden Ticket per semesterHave to complete teacher’srequirements in order to qualifyGraphing CalculatorTI-84 or HigherCoordinate Grid Paper3 Ring Binder
Pi-Rate Math DepartmentCLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS & MINDSETOne of the main reasons we focus on problem solving and supporting answers with logic and reasoning is that itsets students up for SUCCESS not just in that particular math class but in all classes moving forward throughout theireducation.This focus helps students overcome obstacles and adversity by providing them the techniques and processes to solvemultiple complex problems, while preparing them for college or any career they choose to go into after high school.Plus, the students are better suited to handle all of the standardized tests that are given throughout their schooling.Here are some examples of problems that students will be expected to solve:EXAMPLESFrom a High School Honors Geometry ClassCASTEEL MATH DEPARTMENT TUTORINGStudents are encouraged to setup tutoring with their individual teacher when they are having diffculties with a concept.Tutoring is offered before school, during conference, and after school. However, If your student’s teacher is not availableat that time then there will be other teachers available to help them. Find a teacher for your level and visit that classroomfor tutoring if your teacher is not available Junior High Class:Teacher (Room Number):High School Class:Teacher (Room Number):Math 7Accelerated Math 7Mrs. King (C19) Miss Singh (A23)Mr. Sellaro (C13) Mr. Kalschuer (C15)Algebra 1Mrs. King (C19) Mr. Marsh (A24)Mr. Wilt (A20)Pre-AlgebraHonors Pre-AlgebraMrs. Bandin (C20) Mrs. Powers (C18)Mrs. Hernandez (C14)GeometryHonors GeometryHonors Algebra 1Mrs. Looft (C16) Mr. Sellaro (C13)Mr. Wilson (A22)Honors Algebra 2Honors Pre-CalculusMr. Wilt (A20) Mr. Marsh (A24)Mr. Wilson (A22) Mrs. Khan (A21)Mr. Stoltenberg (A26)Mr. Stoltenberg (A26)Mrs. Khan (A21)Mr. Wilson (A22)
Pi-Rate Math DepartmentCASTEEL HIGH SCHOOL MATH CURRICULUM MAP8th Grade9th Grade10th Grade11th Grade12th GradePre-AlgebraAlgebra 1GeometryAlgebra 2CollegeAlgebraHonors Algebra1HonorsGeometryHonos Algebra2Honors PreCalculusCalculusAB/BC ORAP STATSHonorsGeometryHonors Algebra2Honos PreCalculusCalculusAB/BCDifferentialEquations ORAP STATSCalculusAB/BCDifferentialEquationsLinear AlgebraORAP STATSHonors Algebra2CASTEEL TH TH DEPT. CHAIRBenjamin WilsonHonors PreCalculusAN INCREDIBLE JOURNEYThe Pi-Rate Math Department at Casteel High School creates positive, highexpectation math classes that support students throughout their educationjourney. We focus on taking our students through an experience that willchallenge, inspire and ultimately provide success and achievement. As for ourexpectations of our students we demand a strong focus in class. Students willcomplete all work on time and with a high attention to the details of the problemand their work.Shoot for perfection; settle for excellence, is a motto that we expect our studentsto follow. We will provide them with the tools, strategies and support that areneeded to be successful. All we ask is that you take care of your responsibilitiesand come prepared for class with not only the required tools and supplies butwith the mindset that no matter what the challenge or adversity you CAN find thesolution and have success.
Casteel Syllabus Addendum for Mrs. King Phone: (480) 424-8249 King.Judy@cusd80.comCommunication: The best way to communicate is through email. Please allow 24 hours for a response.I will send messages through infinite campus so please make sure your email address is up to date.Brief announcements relevant to the entire class will be made through the REMIND app. I alsoencourage you to check grades on a weekly basis and to subscribe to website updates for otherimportant information. The syllabus is posted on the class website and updates may appear in italics.Please check it over quarterly and feel free to contact me if you have a question or concern.Description: The Math 7 course is designed to improve and extend student math skills in the followingareas: number theory, basic operations (with fractions, decimals, and integers), proportions, percentages,measurement, graphing, statistics, and geometric concepts. Students will use reasoning andcommunication skills within real-world problem solving situations throughout the course.Description: The Algebra I & Honors Algebra I course begins with connections back to prior work withalgebra, efficiently reviewing algebraic concepts that students have already studied while at the sametime moving students forward into the new ideas described in the high school standards. Studentscontrast exponential and linear functions as they explore exponential models using the familiar tools oftables, graphs, and symbols. Finally, they apply these same tools to a study of quadratic functions.Throughout, the connection between functions and equations is made explicit to give students more waysto model and make sense of problems.Special Materials: Two composition books (NOT spiral notebooks)--one will be used each semester totake notes and to organize handouts. It will be graded on occasion so keep it updated at all times. If youare absent, check with a buddy to make sure that you copy missed notes or insert handouts. Make sureto back up calculator memory at home as the memory may be cleared before tests at teacher discretion.Tutoring: I will be available during regularly scheduled tutoring hours posted in the classroom. Come totutoring ready to work and ask questions. Do not wait until the last minute to seek help, especially whena test is coming up.Homework: You will be assigned a variety of homework, including textbook readings/problems, problemsolving assignments, note-taking, and reflections. Unless otherwise notified, homework is due at thebeginning of the next class period. You will have homework nearly every night in this course. Yourcomprehension of the homework will be checked by material on the assessments, including tests andquizzes. It is in your best interest to complete every assignment on time to assure your in-class activitiesare meaningful. (The goal is to understand MATH.) Communication is essential, so please talk to me ifyou are having difficulty completing the class assignments in the time allowed.Late Work Policy: Late work will be accepted only during tutoring hours until the chapter test is given forpartial credit. Work turned in after an absence should be turned in during tutoring hours. After thechapter test, NO LATE WORK will be accepted unless a prior arrangement has been made with me.Tests/Quizzes: Tests will be given at the end of a chapter and will be graded on accuracy. All tests areannounced in advance. Quizzes may or may not be announced. If absent, a quiz must be made up oneday following your original return to school during tutoring hours. Arrangements to make up a test mustbe made within 3 days of your return. The make-up test must be made up during non-class hours.Corrections on Assessments must be completed during Mrs. King’s tutoring hours or an arranged time.QUIZZES: must be corrected within one week of being graded AND you must have completed all thehomework on the sections being assessed, which will earn 1/2 the points back. TESTS: must becorrected within one week of being graded and AND you must have completed all the homework in theunit, which will earn 1/3 of the points back.
.King2016-2017Syllabus AcknowledgementPlease sign and initial this form as noted, return to Mrs. King by:*I have read the math department and class policies, rules, and procedures on the full syllabus located on theclassroom website. I agree to follow all of the rules and procedures listed.*HourStudent’s Printed NameStudent’s SignatureGuardian’s Printed NameGuardian’s SignatureStudent’s initialsI understand that some of the coursework is online,and it is sometimes mandatory to access the websiteor other online sites multiple times during the week.Guardian’s initialsI understand that this course requires homework nightlyon Monday through Thursday.I understand that my math notebooks will be checkedand graded for completion on a regular basis. Makesure that the notebook is kept up to date at all times.I understand the attendance policy, and realize thatit is the responsibility of the student to seek out make upwork and complete the assignments and make up testsand quizzes in the time specified in the syllabus.Please contact Ms. King with any questions or concerns at king.judy@cusd80.comQuestions or comments:
So you can help us find X Teacher/Class Room Pre-Algebra C-20 Mrs. Hernandez Pre-Algebra C-14 . Kalscheur Accelerated Math C-15 Mrs. Khan Honors Algebra 2 Honors Geometry A-21 Mrs. King Math 7 Algebra 1 Honors Algebra 1 C-19 Mrs. Looft Honors Algebra C-16 Mr. Marsh Algebra 1 Honors Geometry A-24 Mrs. Powers Honors Pre-Algebra C-18 Mr. Sellaro .
CHANDLER UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 1525 W. Frye Road Chandler, Arizona 85224 (480) 812-7000 Casteel High School Mission Statement The mission of Casteel High School is to create a growth minded environment that promotes ingenuity, creativity and collaboration. The campus will focus on developing students of courage that .
Bogle Junior High School Chandler, Arizona Leela T. Raj-Sankar (Grade 7) Shining a Light on Osmosis Casteel High School Queen Creek, Arizona Ashlyn Grace Drew (Grade 8) Heightened Hydroponics 2019 Top 300 MASTERS Students are listed in order by school state, fair code, and name of school based on information provided by each student in their entry.
Millikan High School Murrieta Valley High School Palisades Charter High School . Samueli Academy School of Business and Tourism South High School View Park Preparatory Charter HS Florida Apollo Middle School Cooper City High School Coral Springs High School Cypress Bay High School . Morris Knolls High School The
Ansbach Middle High School Ansbach Germany Baumholder Middle High School Baumholder Germany . Lee County High School Sanford NC Lugoff Elgin High School Lugoff SC North Brunswick High School Leland NC . Liberty High School Bealeton VA . Mallard Creek High School Charlotte NC Mount Tabor High School Winston Salem NC Myers Park High School .
Keira High School, Albury High School, Henry Lawson High School, Santa Sabina College, Mackillop College, Bowral High School, Macquarie Anglican Grammar School, Cobar High School. DAY 2: Danthonia School, St Pius X High School, Gosford High School, Bishop Druitt College, St Columba Anglican School,
Laguna Middle School Laurence School Liberty Baptist High School Lutheran High School of Orange County Mercy High School Nativity School Oak Crest Middle School Our Lady of Perpetual Help . Pacific Point Christian Jr./Sr. High School Pacific Trails Middle School Pacifica Christian High School. Palos Verdes High
Batesville High School Beebe High School Benton High School Berryville High School . Life Way Christian School Little Rock Christian Academy Magnolia High School Marion High School . Academics Plus 9/27/2016 Little Rock School District Schools Invited: Central, JA Fair, Hall, McClellan, Parkview
Plays are sometimes written from scratch; others are well known. KS3 Dramatic Society Club . of those students currently studying for ABRSM theory exams. Bring your lunch and have a chat. School Choir Large mixed (male and female voices) choir open to all years and abilities, which prepares for major musical events. Senior Jazz Combo Wild and unpredictable band of senior musicians in years .