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Amadeus TrainingAmadeus Basic CourseTraining Module in English

Basic ManualTable of Contents:General Information : . 4-10Sign in – out . 4-5Encoding and Decoding . 6GG Pages . 7Convert Dates/Times . 7Calculate Functions . 7Minimum Connected Time . 8Connection Points . 8Timatic . 8Australian Visa . 9Help . 10Availability . 10-21Availability Neutral . 10-12Amadeus Access Levels . 13Dual Availability . 14Change Display Entries . 15Scrolling Entries . 15Schedule Neutral . 16Timetable . 17Direct Access. 18-20Flight Information . 21PNR Creation . 22-59Selling Entries . 22Mandatory Elements . 25Save/Ignore/Cancellation . 27Cancel and Rebook . 28Pnr updates / Name changes . 29Optional Elements . 31PNR Print . 43Amadeus E-mail . 44PNR Replication . 45PNR History . 45Status Codes . 46Non Homogeneous PNR . 50Split PNR . 52Group PNR . 54Claim PNR . 54Passive Booking . 58PNR Extend Security . 592Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic ManualQueues . 60-63Queue Total . 60Queue Creation . 62Queue Placement . 63Message Queue . 63Fare Quote Display . 64-70Fare Display . 64Fare Notes . 68IATA Exchange Rates . 69Currency Conversion . 69Tax info for a Country . 70Excess Baggage Charges . 70Informative Pricing . 71-75Fare Quote PNR . 76-84PNR Pricing . 76Pricing Options . 80Best Pricing . 83TST . 85-86Display of TST . 85Delete of TST . 853Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic ManualSIGN – IN / SIGN – OUT1.HE SIGNSign in to Amadeus from the original Sign-In windowGraphical display – GUIInsert the personal data of the Agent Sign 4 digits and 2 letters in the relevant field. Always use SUas a duty code in the third field and fill in the password (5-8 alphanumeric characters)oClick on4Amadeus Hellas enter the Production Mode.

Basic ManualSign in to Amadeus using the below entries on the Command PageJI 0001 AA / SU - XXXXXJI - action code - Jump In / Production0001 AAPersonal Agent Sign details(4 digits and 2 letters)/SU- XXXXXduty codepassword (5-8 characters)JOJO - action code – Jump OutSign out of AmadeusJJ 0001 AA / SU - XXXXXJJ - action code - Jump / Training0001 AAPersonal Agent Sign details(4 digits and 2 letters)/SUduty code-XXXXXpassword(5-8 alphanumeric characters)5Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic Manual2.GENERAL INFORMATIONHE ENCODE / DECODEENCODING - DECODINGAbility to encode and decode cities, airports, countries, airlines and aircraft types Cities - AirportsDAN ATHENSDB LISBONaction code – Display All by Nameencode by name of city or airportDAC JFKDB ORYaction code – Display All by Codedecode a three-letter code of a city orairportDAN MO*/UYencoding a city using the first letters and thecountry code in which it belongs eg.Montevideo in UruguayDAN PARIS /NDAC PAR/N/ Ν – nearest ten airportsdisplay the ten airports closest to the city orairport CountryDC GREECEDC GBDNS USΝΥaction code – Don’t know Countryencoding / decoding a Country*** additional info like currency and nationality ***action code – Don’t kNow Statedecoding country & state eg. US –NY AirlinesDNA ALITALIADNA ΒΑaction code – Don’t kNow Airlineencoding / decoding Airlines Aircraft typesDNE AIRBUSDNE 7176Amadeus Hellas S.A.action code – Don’t kNow Equipmentencoding / decoding Aircraft types

Basic ManualGG PAGESInformative Pages in Amadeus system, providing info such as:GG AIR LHGG AIR LH ATHgeneral information for airlines eg. LHgeneral information for airlines in a specificcity eg. LH in AthensGG APT LHRgeneral information for an airport eg. LHRGG COU FRgeneral information for countries eg. FRGG WEA LISweather information for a specific city e.g LISGG PCA A3information on participating carriers e.g A3HE DDTIME DIFFERENCESDD ATH / FRAdisplay the time difference between ATH &FRADD FRAlocal time in FRA and time difference withATH as per system defaultDD BKK1300/LONdisplay local time in LON when the time inBKK is 13:00HE DFCALCULATORDF 150.89 ; 145.56DF 145.89 - 89.78DF 145.21 * 14.21DF 1500 / 56DF 1500.00 P 157Amadeus Hellas S.A.calculator – Additioncalculator – Subtractioncalculator - Multiplycalculator - Dividecalculator – Plus/minus percentage 15%

Basic ManualHE DMMINIMUN CONNECTING TIMEMinimum connecting time required between connection flights at an airport or city.Check when PNR is not displayed:DM NYCDM ORY- CDGCheck when PNR is displayed:DMIDMI 8/9minimum connecting time in NYCminimum connecting time between twoairports in the same citycheck connections for the entire PNRcheck specific semgments in a PNRHE DRTCONNECTION POINTSPossible connecting points of a routeDRT ATHSYDDRT ATHSYD/AAFlist of routes with its connecting pointslist of routes and connecting points with aspecific carrierHE TIMATICTIMATICElectronic form of TIM available on sytem including information regarding Visa, Health, Passport,Customs etc of the city/country visited:TI FVTimatic for VisaTI FHTimatic for HealthTI FATimatic information for All TIRVNAARDETRNA- PASSENGER'S NATIONALITY. ADD /SEMN IN CASE OF SEAMANADD /TYPE FOR OTHER THAN NORMAL PASSPORTSAR- ALIEN RESIDENTSDE- DESTINATION POINTSTR- TRANSIT POINTS VIA OTHER COUNTRIES8Amadeus Hellas S.A.


Basic ManualHEAmadeus online HELP pagesUsing the HELP function in Amadeus, you can get “online help” for miscellaneous chapters andcommands in the system.“Help” from the system / step-by-stepHE STEPSSystem response:FOR INFORMATION ABOUT: ENTER:---------------------- -----INTRODUCTIONGP INTAMADEUS INSURANCE:SELL AMADEUS INSURANCEINSURANCE PROPOSALGP TRAGP IIPAVAILABILITY/AIR:AVAILABILITY AND SELLTICKETLESS ACCESSGP AV1GP TL1CAR:SELL CARGP CA1FARES:FOR INFORMATION ABOUT:---------------------KEYWORDS OR QUICKPATHSENTER:-----GP QPSHOTEL:SELL HOTELGP HA1PNR:BOOKING AN EXTRA SEATEXTRA SEAT FOR CBBGCREATE PNRCREATE GROUP PNRMODIFY PNRREQUEST SEAT RES.SPLIT PNRGPGPGPGPGPGPGPXSTCBBPN1PN4PN2ST1PN3HE FARES“online help” on FARESHE GROUPS“online help” on issues relating to GROUPSΗΕ CLAIM“online help” on CLAIM proceduresHE NM“online help” on NAMES elementsΗΕ /“online help” on the last command entered10Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic Manual3.AIR - AVAILABILITY DISPLAYHE ANAvailability Neutral RequestAvailability of flights and available seats for a specific city pair, date and airline.Amadeus Neutral Availability displays the flights with classes of service that are open for sale or waitlist(A – L – R)Amadeus displays impartially the Availability regardless the airline, according to the following logicalprinciples:.1.2.3.Direct flights non-stop,Direct flights with stop(s),Connecting flights,by Departure Timeby Elapsed flight Timeby Elapsed flight timeAN18SEPATHLONExplaination:ANAvailability Neutral11Amadeus Hellas S.A.18SEPATHLONdatecity pair

Basic Manual If the departure point is the city where your terminal is registered and the departure date is fortoday then the basic entry can be limited to:ANLONAvail. Neutral from ATH to LON todayAN18SEPATHLON/A OAfor specific airline Additional options on Availability request :AN18SEPATHLON/A OA, LH, IBup to 3 different airlinesAN22SEPATHBKK/X FRAvia a specific connection pointAN / 15SEPATHSKG/AOAsearch for availability up to 7 days after thedeparture dateΑΝ / 15SEPATHSKG/C Xsearch for availability up to 7 days after thedeparture date for a specific class of service(J,D,Y,K,Χ etc)AN11JULMADATH/K Fsearch for availability for a specific cabintype (F,C,Y)AN11AUGATHPRG/B 4search for availability for a specific numberof seatsAN20AUGATHSKG1900search by departure typeAN11SEPATHMIL /FNdirect flights OnlyAN15OCTATHSIN /OOn-line connections only Combine the additional options to narrow down your search results in an availability display :AN18SEPATHLON/A OA/X SKGAN / 20OCTATHCHQ/A A3/C VAN1JUNLONJFK/A BA/K C/B 3AN15OCTATHSIN /ATG /O12Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic Manualaccess level indicatorairline & flight nbrterminalequipmentAN15APRLONAMS1200** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** AMS AMSTERDAM.NL1BA 434 C9 D9 I9 U9 Y9 B9 H9 /LHR 4 AMS1135K9 M9 L9 V9 N9 O9 Q9 S9 X92KL1010 J4 C4 Z4 S4 B4 M4 H4 LHR 4 AMS1140Q4 V4 K4 L4 T43UK2226 Y4 S4 B4 M4 H4 Q4 V4 LCYAMS1215K4 L4 T41345132 MO 15APR 1200E0/7521:1014000.7371:2014300*F501:15E appearing beside thenumber of stops simplymeans flight is suitablefor e-ticketingclass of serviceseat availabilityflight durationAlpha & Numeric Seat AvailabilityALRSCXAvailableWaitlistOn RequestSuspendedClosedCancelled1–90RSCXAMADEUS ACCESS LEVELSAccess Levels between airlines and Amadeus:Availability SymbolConfirmed ?PNR Segment StatusPNR Guarantee indicator/AmadeusAccess.AmadeusAccess atelyHK*1A/0*747When booked Direct AccessLK* AI * (airline code)0:747After 12 hoursSS changes to HKblank0 747After 12 hoursSS changes to HKblankSSblank13T 0 319Amadeus Hellas S.A.GGAIRYY

Basic ManualDUAL AVAILABILITY DISPLAYSimultaneous display of availability for two different city pairs.Use the Dual Availability, either for areturn trip or for concecutive city pairs:AN20NOVATHLON/ABA * 30NOV Additional options :AN20NOVATHLON/ABA*30NOVavailability from ATH to LON on 20NOVreturning (from LON to ATH) on 30NOVwith British Airways.AN22DECATHFRA*25DECFRAAMSavailability from ATH to FRA on 22DEC andfrom FRA to AMS on 25DECAN22DECATHFRA*FRAMUC1900availability from ATH to FRA on 22DEC andon the same day, from FRA to MUC withdeparture time around 190014Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic ManualCHANGING AVAILABILITY DISPLAY – ‘AC’ ENTRIESChange the Availability display with short and smart entries, WITHOUT repeating the primary entryaction code – Availability Change Returnchange of the previous AN for a return trip,by reversing the routing on the same date R(Return)eg.If the previous availability was ATHLON for 18SEP, the new availability will be for LONATH onthe same date 18SEP.ACRACR22SEPchange of the previous AN to a return tripon a different dateAC5change of the previous AN for 5 days laterAC23SEPchange of the previous AN for a specificdateAC-2change of the previous AN for 2 days earlierAC/ABAchange of the airlineAC/XZRHchange of connecting pointACSKGchange of departure cityAC//PARchange of destination citySCROLLING ENTRIESMPANmove Previous Amadeus availabilityMNMYmove Next daymove YesterdayMDMUMTMBmove Downmove Up to earlier flightsmove all the way to the Topmove all the way to the Bottom15Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic ManualHE SNSCHEDULE NEUTRAL Availability DisplayAvailability of flights and seats for a specific city pair, date and airline.Amadeus Schedule Neutraldisplays all flights and all classes of service regardless availability ( C – S – X ).SN20NOVATHNYC** The same options are used to display Availability Neutral or availability change can be applied in therequest of a Schedule Availability Display **SN22SEPLONATH/ABAfor specific airlineSN / 15SEPATHSKG/AOAsearch for availability up to 7 days after thedeparture date for a specific airline16Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic ManualHE TNTIMETABLE DISPLAYTimetable displays the frequency of flights for a specific city pair.TN02NOVATHROMdisplay the weekly schedule for the routing ATHROMTN22SEPLONATH/ABAfor a specific airline** The same options used to display Availability Neutral or availability change can be applied in therequest of a Timetable Neutral display **CHANGE DISPLAY TYPESAbility to change from one type of display to another.ACSNACTNchange from AN to SNchange from AN to TNSCTNSCANchange from SN to TNchange from SN to ANTCANTCSNchange from TN to ANchange from TN to SN17Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic ManualHE DIR xxDIRECT ACCESS availability displayFlights and seat availability “directly” from the airlines’ reservation system.If an airline supports Direct Access ( * ) level ,it is necessary to access the airlines’ system directly,when making a reservation, in order to get reliable information and immediate confirmation.If an airline supports Amadeus Sell Access ( . ) level,it is optional to access the airlines’ system, whenmaking a reservation, in order to get reliable information and immediate confirmation.You may request Direct Access availability, using one of the three following methods: 1st MethodAfter requesting an AN display, enter the airlines’ system by double-clicking on its 2 letter code on theavailability lineSystem response / Direct Availability display:18Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic Manual 2nd Method.1.Request Availability Neutral displayAN18DECATHROM2.Choose the airline which you want to access directly along with the flight number and time ofdeparture and access its Direct Access Availability using the entry:ACL 4availability change to direct access for theairline on line eg. no 4 3rd MethodIf you know that the airline you wish to access supports Direct Access display, the long sell entry mayalso be lineADavailabilitydirectAmadeus Hellas S.A.23MARdateATHPARcity pair

Basic ManualAVAILABILITY CHANGE DISPLAY FROM DIRECT ACCESS AVAILABILITYFrom a Direct access Availability, you may change the display by using the short and quick entries,similar to AC entries1 ΑΖ /change from a Direct Access airline toanother Direct Access airline eg.from OA toAZ1OA AC25MARchange of display to a new date1OA ACRchange the previous display to a returnitinerary on the same date1ΑZ ACR28MARchange the previous display to a returnitinerary on a different dateSCROLLING ENTRIES in Direct AccessThe same scrolling entries apply, with the difference that you have to use the direct access prefixbefore the command1OA MD1AZ MU1ΑΖ MΝ1ΑΖ ΜΥ20Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic ManualHE DOFLIGHT INFORMATION – FLIGHT DETAILSDO OA202/20NOVinformation on a specific flight operating ona specific dateDO LH780information on a specific flightDO 2flight information referring to availability lineor pnr segmentPossible system responses:21Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic Manual4.SELLING ENTRIESHE SSDirect flight : Selling entry from ΑΝ availability :SSsegmentsell2numberof seatsYbookingclass1line numberon availability AN15JANATHMXP/AA3AN15JANATHMXP/AA3** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** MXP MALPENSA.IT76 TU 15JAN 00001 A3 660C4 D4 Z4 A4 IR J4 Y4 ATH MXP 1 0855 1030 E0/7332:35B4 M4 K4 W4 S4 H4 L4 X4 V4 T4 Q4 E4 O4 GR NR R42 A3 662C4 D4 Z4 A4 IR J4 Y4 ATH MXP 1 1530 1655 E0/7332:25B4 M4 K4 W4 S4 H4 L4 X4 V4 T4 U4 Q4 E4 O4 GR NR R4 SS1Y1RP/ATH1A098A/1A3 660 Y 15JAN 2 ATHMXP DK1 0855 1030 15JAN E 0 733 B Selling entry from a Direct Access availability :SS2Y21 1OAAD20JANATHCHQ** OA - OLYMPIC AIRWAYS **081 SU 20JAN21 OA 530C4 Y7 M7 L7 S7 ATH CHQ 0550 0640K7 E7 B7 T2 X722 OA 532Y7 M7 L7 S7 K7 ATH CHQ 0900 1000E7 B7 T2 X70 7340 AT7 SS1C21RP/ATH1A098A/1OA 530 C 20JAN 7 ATHCHQ DK1 0550 0640 20JAN E 0 73422Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic ManualConnecting flights:SS1 M 4selling same class of serviceSS2 YM 3selling different classes of services AN10MAYATHFRA/ABA** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** FRA FRANKFURT.DE191 SA 10MAY 00001 BA 631J9 C6 D5 I5 Y9 B9 H9 /ATH LHR 5 0815 1015 E0/767K9 M9 R9 V9 N9 E9 Q9 L9 S9 O9BA 906J9 C9 D9 I9 Y9 B9 H9 /LHR 5 FRA 2 1150 1430 E0/3197:15K9 M9 R9 V9 N9 E9 Q9 L9 S9 O9 SS3CB1RP/ATH1A098A/1BA 631 C 10MAY 6 ATHLHR DK3 0815 1015 10MAY E 0 7672BA 906 B 10MAY 6 LHRFRA DK3 1150 1430 10MAY E 0 319Sell from Dual Availability display:SS1Y3 * 12SS1Y3 * B12SS2M3 * TK12selling the same class of service from theavailability lines 3 & 12selling different classes of service from theavailability lines 3 & 12 respectively. . with a connecting flight ΑN05SEPATHMUC/ALH*15SEP/ALH** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** MUC MUNICH.DE309 FR 05SEP 00001 LH3375C9 D9 Z9 I2 R2 Y9 B9 /ATH MUC 2 0650 0820 E0/3202:30M9 H9 X9 Q9 N9 V9 S0** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** ATH ATHENS.GR319 MO 15SEP 000011 CL*LH3742 C9 D6 Z0 I0 R0 Y9 B9 /MUC 2 ZRH 1115 1215 E0/CR9M9 H9 X9 Q9 N9 V9 W9 S9LX:LH5238 C4 D4 Z4 Y4 B4 M4 H4 /ZRH ATH 1255 1635 E0/321 TR 4:20Q4 V4 W4 U4 S4 G4 K4 L4 T4 E4 SS1Y2*YC11RP/ATH1A098A/1LH5917 Y 05SEP 5 ATHMUC DK1 0845 1015 05SEP E 0 32S S2LH3742 Y 15SEP 1 MUCZRH DK1 1115 1215 15SEP E 0 CRJ R3LH5238 C 15SEP 1 ZRHATH DK1 1255 1635 15SEP E 0 32S MPriority Waitlist :Request seats on waiting list, if and when the system does not sell automatically.SS1L22 / PE23Amadeus Hellas S.A./PE priority “E”

Basic ManualOpen segment :Create an open segment in a neΥbookingclass25NOVdateLHRBOScity pairLong Sell entry :Request seats based on flight details without a previous availability display ryLH3723airlineflight noBclass23MARdateATHFRΑ 2routing no of seatsSurface segment – Arrival unknown :SI ARNK24Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic Manual5.PNR CREATIONMANDATORY ELEMENTS.1.ITINERARY elementItinerary creation using Availability display and selling entries. AN11SEPATHLON/ABA** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** LON LONDON.GB1 BA 631J9 C9 D9 I9 Y9 B9 H9 /ATH LHR 5 0815K9 M9 R9 V9 N9 E9 Q9 L9 S9 O92 BA 641J9 C9 D6 I6 Y9 B9 H9 /ATH LHR 5 1445K9 M9 R9 V9 N9 E9 Q9 L9 S9 O9315 TH 11SEP 00001015 E0/7674:001635 E0/3193:50 SS1B2RP/ATH1A098A/1BA 641 B 11SEP 4 ATHLHR DK1 1445 1635 11SEP E 0 319.2.NAME elementNM 1 PAPAS / JOHN MRExplanation:NMnameentry-1PAPAS / JOHNMRno of pax - last name / first name - titlewith the samelast name! Attention !Do not leave gaps in the name element.3.AP element – Advise PhoneAP 2109303000 AMADEUS HELLAS REF PETROU - AAbility to insert the contact elements of your agency in the pnr.After the AP –action code- you may add free flow text. By entering only AP, the system automaticallyinserts the contact elements that are set by default to your office profile.! Attention !25The AP element may only be seen by Amadeus System User Airlines.Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic Manual.4.Ο.S.I. elementUse the O.S.I. element to send your agency contact information to all airlines involved in the pnrOS YY 2109303000 AMADEUS HELLAS REF PETROUexplanation :OSYYAction airline codecode referring to allin the pnr. . . . . . . .free flow text.5.TICKETIING elementA ticketing arrangement element that indicates the status of the ticket issuance. Single Item Element:Ticket OK – confirmed to be ticketedTK OKorTK TL18JANreminder to issue in a future date that youset – the PNR will be automatically placedon Queue 8 on the requested date.6.END OF TRANSACTIONETEnd of TransactionEREnd of Transaction & Redisplay pnr26Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic Manual6.SAVE - CANCEL - RECALL A PNRSaveEREnd of Transaction – save changes and /orupdates in pnrEnd of Transaction & Redisplay pnrIGIRIgnoreIgnore & RedisplayETCancelXE 5cancel a specific element in a pnr e.g.element nbr 5XE 5 , 8 - 9cancel elements : 5 and 8 to 9XIcancel the whole Itinerary of a pnrPNR RetrieveHE RTRTretrieve an active pnrRT / SMITHRT / SMITH * Aretrieve pnr by clients nameretrieve only the Active pnrs of a client usingthe nameRT record locator retrieve pnr by record locatorSimilar Name List entriesRT 3RT 0retrive pnr on line 3 of the displayed listreturn to previous similar name list27Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic Manual7.CANCEL AND REBOOKIncrease / Decrease the number of seats requested before saving the pnr (during pnrcreation)If, during pnr creation, you have sold the wrong number of seats, you may correct the number beforesaving the pnr, using the following entry4/3Line numbercorrect numberOf itineraryof seats! Attention !This command is not advised to be used for airlines requiring Direct Access availability.Auto cancel and rebook for class of service & date before and after saving the pnr/endof transaction and redisplay it .The “Should Be” entries are used to automatically resell segments, quickly without having to check theavailability.To change the booking class and/or the date, you may use the following entries:SB M 5Action codebooking classsegment στο PNRSB 13DEC 5change date for segment 5 of the PNRSB Μ 13DEC 5change booking class & date for segment 5SB Cchange booking class for the entire itinerarySBM3 / 12DEC4use multiple rebooking entries for class/dateon specific segment in the pnr! Attention !Always check that the Status Code of the rebooked segment(s) is DK or LK.28Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic Manual8.PNR UPDATESHE NMNAME ELEMENT – ADDITIONAL ENTRIESNM 1PAPPAS/DIMITRIS MRadult name elementNM 2PAPPAS/S MR/A MRStwo passengers with the same lastnameNM 1JONES/T MR ; NM1GREEN/A MRSORNM 2PAPPAS/KMR/SMRS 1PAPADAKIS/AMRmultiple passengers withdifferent last nameNM 1PAPADOPOULOS/LMSTR (CHD/23MAR04)child name (2-11 years old)NM 2JONES/TOMMR/ANN MISS(CHD/12MAY06)adult & childNM 1PETROU/VMRS(INF/MARYMISS/10SEP09)adult & infant (0-2 years) with thesame last nameNM 1PETROU/ZMRS(INFPAPPAS/KONMSTR/05JUN09)adult & infant withnameNM1PASSIAKOS/KMSTR(CHD/11MAR009) (IDDOB11MAR09)child with additional ID DOBto display date of birth on the etktimage of the airline file.( airline specific ! )‘’youth psgr’’ with additional ID DOBto display date of birth on the etktimage of the airline file.( airline specific ! )NM1PASSIAKOS/KMR(YTH) (IDDOB11SEP90)differentlastNAME CHANGE and UPDATEName change or update, can be processed without restrictions BEFORE the end of transaction (ET)with the following entries.! Attention !Changing or updating a name AFTER the end of transaction (ET) can be processed by followingstrictly the airlines’ rules for name change.29Amadeus Hellas S.A.

Basic ManualAll name changes or updates must be processed after getting anapproval from the airline. In any other case the reservation might becanceled by the airline.When the airline makes a name change directly in their system (NonAltea Airline), the name must be changed in your Amadeus Pnr, exactlyas it appears on the airlines’ system.In case the response is “RESTRICTED FROM AIRLINE”, then youmust contact the Amadeus Helpdesk.If the names are not exactly

Direct flights with stop(s), by Elapsed flight Time .3. Connecting flights, by Elapsed flight time AN18SEPATHLON Explaination: AN 18SEP ATHLON Availability Neutral date city pair . Basic Manual 12 Amadeus Hellas S.A. If the departure point is the city where your

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