This document is a snapshot of content from a discontinued BBC website, originally published between 2002-2011. It has beenmade available for archival & research purposes only. Please see the foot of this document for Archive Terms of Use.12 March 2012Accessibility helpText onlyBBC HomepageWales HomeBardsey folkLast updated: 27 November 2005Ian Jolly introduces us to the residents of the tiny BardseyIsland, past and present.Bardsey IslandBBC LocalBardsey talesIsland poetLast boy born on the islandSaving St Hywyn'sWildlife havenYour photosNorth West WalesThings to doPeople & PlacesNature & OutdoorsHistoryVisit the islandPicture tourBardsey familiesIs it Avalon?Aberdaron's Red RocksBardsey on CoastUseful linksReligion & EthicsArts & CultureMusicTV & RadioLocal BBC SitesNewsSportWeatherTravelNeighbouring SitesMid WalesNorth East WalesRelated BBC SitesWalesCymruGogledd Orllewinmore from this section"The first photograph of the residents of Bardsey to be takenfor some years was taken recently at Preswylwyr.From left to right: Patrick Murphy (Ty Bach), David Barnden(Ty Pellaf), Ernest Evans (Dynogoch), Adrian George(Assistant Warden - Cristin), Libby Barnden (Ty Pellaf), EmmaBowler and Steve Stansfield (Warden - Cristin) with Connor ,Christine Evans (Dynogoch), Gwyneth Murphy (Ty Bach) andColin Evans (Dynogoch).For comparison here's a picture taken in 1935 which includes:Front row: Gwyndon Williams (Nant), Gwynfor Jones(Dynnogoch), Dic Jones (Dynogoch), Gwilym Williams (Nant),Myra Jones (Dynogoch), Will Evans (Cristin), John Jones(Dynogoch), Bessie Williams (Carreg), Jane Evans (Ty Pellaf),Gwenda Murray Williams(Ty Capel), ?, Gwyn Murray
Williams (Ty Capel), Will Williams (Carreg).Middle row: ? of Dynnogoch, Lisi Jones (Dynogoch), LisiKate Evans (Cristin), Mother of Lisi Kate Evans (Cristin), NellEvans (Ty Pellaf), Nell Williams (Carreg), Mrs Murray Williams(Ty Capel), Lisi Jones (Plas Bach) and her sister Ann Jones.Back row: Will Evans (Ty Pellaf), Will Jones (Dynogoch), IfanWilliams (Carreg), Jack Jones (Plas Bach), John Evans ?(Cristin), Guto Williams (Nant), Will Jones (Dynogoch), HuwWilliams (Nant), John Bach (Cristin), Rev Edward Evans and ?Inset: William Huw Williams and Jane Williams with daughterMary, all of Nant.Ernest Evans in the 2005 photo is the son of Will and NellEvans of Ty Pellaf in the 1935 photo!Can anyone identify the unknown people?"your commentscatherine ramsey northamptonRegarding the old photo of the folks on Bardsey:Front row - Gwynfor, Myra, John, Dic (Richard my father)Jones lived in Rhedyngoch not Dynnogoch.Middle row - my nain Mary Jones, married to Will Jones(back row) and living in Rhedyngoch, along with my uncleWill Jones, also back row. They all moved to Bardsey but Ibelieve my uncle Gwynfor is the only one to be born on theisland. Hoping to get over to the island this summer; mycousin has a new boat and wants to know when we arecoming to stay. Talking to him on the phone brought theyearning back so I just had to look at the web site; I needsome blissful peace and quiet.Fri Jun 1 09:09:29 2007Val Aspden WiganJust spent a wonderful two weeks in Carreg Bach. Davespent his time painting a Buckby can and dipper - he hasjust been accredited as a journeyman for narrow boatdecoration,roses and castles, while I walked, read and didsome birdwatching! It was so peaceful and relaxing. Thankyou to Gwyneth, Patrick, Dave and Libby for your hospitalityand also Adrian who always found time to talk about whatbirds were on the island and took me on a hunt for theBlythe pippit. No luck, though!! Looking forward to returningnext year. ValSat Nov 5 21:01:10 2005Veronica Smith- Hopkins Cape Sable Island ,Nova ScHad a nice little chuckle my sister Carlene and I today, whenwe stumbled upon the group photos of the folks of Bardseyisland. It is nice to see that Adrian George has put on a bitof weight, from his own cooking, and from being in hometerritority. Looking good Ade! What a wonderful island andsuch history. Carlene and I would like to be there andperhaps, Ade, you could feed me instead of me feeding veronicaWed Jul 6 23:33:17 2005This site is now closed and cannot accept newcomments.
12 March 2012Accessibility helpText onlyBBC HomepageWales HomeBardsey talesLast updated: 27 November 2005BBC LocalIan Jolly keeps us up to dateon the goings-on of the littleisland - life's never quiet andeveryone's kept very busy.more from this sectionBardsey IslandBardsey talesIsland poetLast boy born on the islandSaving St Hywyn'sWildlife havenYour photosNorth West WalesThings to doPeople & PlacesNature & OutdoorsHistoryReligion & EthicsArts & CultureMusicTV & RadioLocal BBC SitesNewsSportWeather"A vet had to visit the island this Easter to see one of theherd of Welsh Black Cattle. One was expecting a calf, but gotinto difficulties and the vet had to deliver the calf bycaesarean to save the life of the mother.However the calf survived and has been hand reared and aweek later is looking quite healthy. Named Sunshine, itfollows you about!TravelNeighbouring SitesMid WalesNorth East WalesRelated BBC SitesWalesCymruGogledd OrllewinWith lambing in full swing,there have been a few lambsrejected by their mothers. Allhave been fostered out withother ewes except for one known as 'Marvin - no mates'.He is now three weeks old andis as tame as anything. Heeven comes when you call hisname! It seems strange to see the calf and lamb 'nuzzling'each other!Another tiny lamb was born at midday on Good Friday. It wasborn in a ditch and abandoned by its mother prior to thearrival of its twin. The twin was of normal size (and aboutthree times the size of the poor little abandoned one).However, Libby Barnden, the farmer's wife, managed torecover the lamb from the state of hypothermia that it was inand by Saturday it was looking a lot better cuddled up withits teddy bear! It was even smaller than the tiny lamb bornprematurely last year.Another recent arrival on theisland is a mule - not ananimal but a small four wheeldrive truck which is provingvery useful as an addition tothe fleet of the ageing tractors(all two of them).The mail comes over withErnest Evans - the island's part-time postman for 32 years!Ernest, a local fisherman, was brought up on the island andspends a good part of the year living there."Further little update on Bardsey"The Welsh Black calf 'Sunshine' born just before Easter hasVisit the islandPicture tourBardsey familiesIs it Avalon?Aberdaron's Red RocksBardsey on CoastUseful linksrelated linksTowns & Villages: Bardsey
had to go off the island - suffering from a 'dicky ticker' - soneeds to be nearer the vet. Hopefully Sunshine will be backon the island before too long.The tiny abandoned lamb ' Lennor' born on Good Friday isthriving. Now three weeks old, she is still being bottle fed butis still tiny having grown little in the intervening time. The'Ahhhh' factor however more than makes up for the lack ofsize. David Barnden, who farms the island, is thinking ofgoing into production of 'bonsai' lambs!Still living in the farm kitchen, the lamb curls up at night withthe pet dogs!"Bardsey Island photo tour.
21 February 2012Accessibility helpText onlyBBC HomepageWales HomeBardsey wildlifeLast updated: 03 May 2007more from this sectionBardsey IslandBBC LocalBardsey talesIsland poetLast boy born on the islandSaving St Hywyn'sWildlife havenYour photosNorth West WalesThings to doPeople & PlacesNature & OutdoorsHistoryVisit the islandPicture tourBardsey familiesIs it Avalon?Aberdaron's Red RocksBardsey on CoastUseful linksReligion & EthicsArts & CultureMusicTV & RadioLocal BBC SitesNewsinteractSportWeatherTravelNeighbouring SitesMid WalesNorth East WalesRelated BBC SitesWalesCymruGogledd OrllewinIolo Williams arrives on Bardsey.1 2 3 4 5Tell us about a web pageFound a web page we should knowabout? Send us the details.Email A FriendRead about Bardsey island wildlife.related linksIolo's Welsh Safari
21 February 2012Accessibility helpText onlyBBC HomepageWales HomeBardsey wildlifeLast updated: 03 May 2007more from this sectionBardsey IslandBBC LocalBardsey talesIsland poetLast boy born on the islandSaving St Hywyn'sWildlife havenYour photosNorth West WalesThings to doPeople & PlacesNature & OutdoorsHistoryVisit the islandPicture tourBardsey familiesIs it Avalon?Aberdaron's Red RocksBardsey on CoastUseful linksReligion & EthicsArts & CultureMusicTV & RadioLocal BBC SitesNewsinteractSportWeatherTravelNeighbouring SitesMid WalesNorth East WalesRelated BBC SitesWalesCymruGogledd OrllewinA Manx Shearwater on Bardsey.1 2 3 4 5Tell us about a web pageFound a web page we should knowabout? Send us the details.Email A FriendRead about Bardsey island wildlife.related linksIolo's Welsh Safari
21 February 2012Accessibility helpText onlyBBC HomepageWales HomeBardsey wildlifeLast updated: 03 May 2007more from this sectionBardsey IslandBBC LocalBardsey talesIsland poetLast boy born on the islandSaving St Hywyn'sWildlife havenYour photosNorth West WalesThings to doPeople & PlacesNature & OutdoorsHistoryVisit the islandPicture tourBardsey familiesIs it Avalon?Aberdaron's Red RocksBardsey on CoastUseful linksReligion & EthicsArts & CultureMusicTV & RadioLocal BBC SitesNewsinteractSportWeatherTravelNeighbouring SitesMid WalesNorth East WalesRelated BBC SitesWalesCymruGogledd OrllewinA seal pops up to view the BBC team.1 2 3 4 5Tell us about a web pageFound a web page we should knowabout? Send us the details.Email A FriendRead about Bardsey island wildlife.related linksIolo's Welsh Safari
21 February 2012Accessibility helpText onlyBBC HomepageWales HomeBardsey wildlifeLast updated: 03 May 2007more from this sectionBardsey IslandBBC LocalBardsey talesIsland poetLast boy born on the islandSaving St Hywyn'sWildlife havenYour photosNorth West WalesThings to doPeople & PlacesNature & OutdoorsHistoryVisit the islandPicture tourBardsey familiesIs it Avalon?Aberdaron's Red RocksBardsey on CoastUseful linksReligion & EthicsArts & CultureMusicTV & RadioLocal BBC SitesNewsinteractSportWeatherBoats on Bardsey.TravelNeighbouring SitesMid WalesNorth East WalesRelated BBC SitesWalesCymruGogledd Orllewin1 2 3 4 5Tell us about a web pageFound a web page we should knowabout? Send us the details.Email A FriendRead about Bardsey island wildlife.related linksIolo's Welsh Safari
21 February 2012Accessibility helpText onlyBBC HomepageWales HomeBardsey wildlifeLast updated: 03 May 2007more from this sectionBardsey IslandBBC LocalBardsey talesIsland poetLast boy born on the islandSaving St Hywyn'sWildlife havenYour photosNorth West WalesThings to doPeople & PlacesNature & OutdoorsHistoryVisit the islandPicture tourBardsey familiesIs it Avalon?Aberdaron's Red RocksBardsey on CoastUseful linksReligion & EthicsArts & CultureMusicTV & RadioLocal BBC SitesNewsinteractSportWeatherBardsey from the air.TravelNeighbouring SitesMid WalesNorth East WalesRelated BBC SitesWalesCymruGogledd Orllewin1 2 3 4 5Tell us about a web pageFound a web page we should knowabout? Send us the details.Email A FriendRead about Bardsey island wildlife.related linksIolo's Welsh Safari
12 March 2012Accessibility helpText onlyBBC HomepageWales HomeIsland talesLast updated: 31 January 2006How's Marvin no mates andLenor the tiny lamb doing?Ian Jolly keeps us informed.BBC LocalNorth West WalesThings to doClick here for island talesfrom weeks gone by .People & PlacesNature & Outdoors "Just back from a few days on the island and good news HistoryReligion & EthicsArts & CultureMusicTV & RadioLocal BBC SitesNewsSportWeatherthe premature Welsh Black calf, 'Sunshine', that was taken tothe mainland with a suspected hole in the heart has made agood recovery.Now nearly four weeks old, she has returned to the island.Still being bottle fed (2 litres at a time three times a day!),she is starting to graze when she is out during the day. Shecan sometimes be seen following farmer's wife Libby Barndenalong the track which runs up the island as Libby visits otherresidents!TravelNeighbouring SitesMid WalesNorth East WalesRelated BBC SitesWalesCymruGogledd OrllewinLenor, the 'bonsai' lamb has made good progress after beingfound suffering from hypothermia when she was abandonedby her mother when she was born on Good Friday. She hasgrown little in size - now with a good thick woollen coat, hersize has increased little. She's now about the size of a largedomestic cat! Compare her size with that of her companion'Marvin No Mates, another of the orphan lambs.Volunteers have recently left the islandafter some maintenance work on thehouses. Work has also started onrestoration work on the Chapel, the lastbuilding erected on the island in 1875.Work will include restoration of the belltower and in preparation, the bell hasbeen removed - probably for the firsttime since it was put there in 1875.Some work will be undertaken on thebell which has lost its clapper.The inscription running around the bellreads 'Bardsey Island Chapel' and around the top 'Mears &Stainbank, Founders, London, 1875'. The company is still inexistence as The Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd in EastLondon, located about half a mile equidistant from the Towerof London and the Royal Mint. It is Britain's oldestmanufacturing company and has been in production since1570 (Yes - over 500 years!).The Bardsey Island Trust has opened a special appeal to helpwith the restoration of the chapel."more from this sectionBardsey IslandBardsey talesIsland poetLast boy born on the islandSaving St Hywyn'sWildlife havenYour photosVisit the islandPicture tourBardsey familiesIs it Avalon?Aberdaron's Red RocksBardsey on CoastUseful linksmore from North WestWalesTowns & VillagesYour patchHave your say or find outmore about community lifepast and present.ActivitiesHead for adventureYour guide to pursuits onmountains, rivers and atsea.HistoryThe RomansFind out what the empirebuilding legions got up to.Sardinia: Cymry yn'ddiogel'Pontio: Dim prifweithredwr
21 February 2012Accessibility helpText onlyBBC HomepageWales HomeBardsey talesLast updated: 11 April 2006BBC LocalNorth West WalesThe usual suspects, Marvin NoMates and Lenor continue tothrive and summer draws anold friend back to the island insearch of a mate.Things to doPeople & PlacesNature & Outdoors "The only known corncrake in Wales has taken up residenceHistoryReligion & EthicsArts & CultureMusicTV & RadioLocal BBC SitesNewsSportWeatherTravelNeighbouring SitesMid WalesNorth East WalesRelated BBC SitesWalesCymruGogledd Orllewinin the garden of Ty Pellaf, the farmhouse at the southern endof the island. This now rare bird is normally only found in theWestern Isles of Scotland and in the west of Ireland. Therewere about 600 to 700 males in Scotland last year and theynormally migrate to Africa for the winter and return in midApril.This male arrived during mid May and has since been puttingout its distinctive 'creek creek' mating call - hoping a femalepassing on its way to Scotland might stop to sample life onBardsey!.Libby Barnden, who lives in Ty Pellaf said that it spends mostof the night calling! We could hear it calling whilst we wererecording the interviews at Ty Pellaf yesterday but every timethe producer tried to specifically record the call, it stopped!However Steve Stansfield, the Warden at the Bardsey Birdand Field Observatory did manage to get a recording.This is the second year it has been on Bardsey. Steve hasanalysed the recordings made last year with those of thisyear and he is convinced that it is the same bird. Hopefully apassing female may take pity on this corncrake and decide tostop and who knows what the result will be!Listen to the call of the corncrake.'Sunshine', the Welsh Black calf born earlier this year is offthe island again. This time she tried eating a large chunk ofswede whole which got stuck inside her. She was taken offthe island and could have ended up as a specimen at theLiverpool Veterinary College but with their assistance over thetelephone and a piece of hosepipe (the mind boggles!),Sunshine was persuaded to cough up the offending lump ofswede and she is now recovering on the mainland. DavidBarnden the farmer at Ty Pellaf on Bardsey, is nowwondering if she isn't actually a large cat that has just usedup the third of her nine lives!The mother of another smalllamb which had beenabandoned has been found.Nothing more than skin andbone with protruding eyes, itmore from this sectionBardsey IslandBardsey talesIsland poetLast boy born on the islandSaving St Hywyn'sWildlife havenYour photosVisit the islandPicture tourBardsey familiesIs it Avalon?Aberdaron's Red RocksBardsey on CoastUseful linksinteractTell us about a web pageFound a web page we should knowabout? Send us the details.Email A Friendrelated www linkswww.bardsey.orgmore from North WestWalesTowns & VillagesYour patchHave your say or find outmore about community lifepast and present.Traffic and TravelGetting aroundTake the train, boat orplane, or hit the region'sroads.HistoryThe RomansFind out what the empirebuilding legions got up to.Sardinia: Cymry yn'ddiogel'Pontio: Dim prif
was christened 'Scary Mary'(only to discover that 'she'was in fact a 'he'!). Not havingbeen hand reared, the lambwas very timid but is slowly, with some TLC from thefarmer's wife and others, getting used to being hand reared.He is now putting on weight and looking a lot better. He livesin the garden at the farmhouse.Marvin No Mates continues to grow whilst Lenor (the 'bonsai'lamb) has grown a little but is still tiny compared with theother lambs. They are both still very tame and are a 'hit' withvisitors as they come running when they spot anyone passingby.I went over to Enlli for the dayto help record a programmefor Radio Wales about thecoming of the telephone toBardsey Island, due to go outat the end of June.It is the second of twoprogrammes about telephones!The first includes memories of Porthmadog's GPO switchboard(some of which I own and which was used in the BBC'speriod drama series 'The Hello Girls' in 1996.)"Tales gone by:Spring time on BardseyEaster on the islandyour comments Linda Jones, WrexhamNow I know what kept me awake all summer two years ago.All is forgiven. I feel very privileged to be able to say that Ihave heard the call of the corncrake. It must have chosen avery perculiar site in which to nest in - the direction of callsseemed to emanate for a stretch of land approximately tenfeet wide (and some forty or fifty feet long) between theroad leading from the street where I live and the nearbytrain station. This land is enclosed on either side by highfences which means it is completely undisturbed.Thu May 31 09:01:10 2007weithredwr
21 February 2012Accessibility helpText onlyBBC HomepageWales HomeBardsey talesLast updated: 27 November 2005BBC LocalNorth West WalesFor the first time in 80 yearsall the residents get togetherfor a photo and a new animaljoins Sunshine, Scary Maryand friends.Things to doPeople & PlacesNature & Outdoors "Sunshine the calf with nine lives is back on Enlli having usedHistoryReligion & EthicsArts & CultureMusicTV & RadioLocal BBC SitesNewsSportWeatherTravelNeighbouring SitesMid WalesNorth East WalesRelated BBC SitesWalesCymruGogledd Orllewinup three of her lives! Still as tame as ever she has grownlittle in the nearly four months since she was born.Another new arrival is 'HowNow' - not quite a Brown Cowbut a Jersey milking cow whonow provides the residentswith excellent creamy milk.The downside is that the goatswho have previously providedthe milk may be leaving.'Scary Mary' the abandoned lamb continues to improve buthas lost most of his wool resulting in a rather unusual look!No, nothing to do with all the new 'hair dos' that islandresidents are now sporting! Recently some visitors were stuckon the island for a couple of extra days due to adverseweather. The residents discovered that one of the visitors rantheir own hair sa
BBC Homepage Wales Home BBC Local North West Wales Things to do People & Places Nature & Outdoors History Religion & Ethics Arts & Culture Music TV & Radio Local BBC Sites News Sport Weather Travel Neighbouring Sites Mid Wales North East Wales Related BBC Sites Wales Cymru Gogledd Orllewin Bar
BBC Homepage Wales Home BBC Local North West Wales Things to do People & Places Nature & Outdoors History Religion & Ethics Arts & Culture Music TV & Radio Local BBC Sites News Sport Weather . year on Bardsey. The Llyn Peninsula is also referred to as The Dragon's Tail - a name it has acquired because of the patterns the famousLocation: Mi
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