Annual Report School Year 2015-2016 - ECTA Center

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SAMPLEUtah Early Childhood Technical Assistance ProjectReaching Potential through Recommended Practices (RP 2)Annual ReportSchool Year 2015-2016Utah ECTA State Leadership Team

Table of ContentsTable of Contents . 2Acknowledgements . 3Participating Districts . 3Summary. 5Introduction and Purpose . 7About the Utah ECTA State Leadership Team . 7SLT Benchmarks of Quality . 8Utah's RP2 program . 8RP2.2 . 10How Data is Presented . 11Data Decision-Making for Program-Wide Implementation in Centers . 11Jordan School District . 13Program Narrative . 13Enrollment . 14Benchmarks of Quality . 14Internal Coach Contact Log . 15RP2 OS-C . 17Ogden City School District and YMCA . 19Program Narrative . 19Benchmarks of Quality . 19Internal Coach Contact Log . 20RP2 OS-C . 22Sevier School District . 24Program Narrative . 24Enrollment . 24Benchmarks of Quality . 25Internal Coach Contact Log . 26RP2 OS-C . 27Washington County School District. 29Benchmarks of Quality . 29Internal Coach Contact Log . 30RP2 OS-C . 31Utah Early Childhood Technical Assistance Project Reaching Potential through Recommended Practices (RP2)2

AcknowledgementsDr. Sydnee DicksonState Superintendent of Public InstructionUtah State Board of EducationDr. Marlies BurnsRP2 Program ConsultantedXponentialDr. Rich NyeDeputy SuperintendentUtah State Board of EducationUtah ECTA State Leadership TeamDr. Barbara Smith, FacilitatorBetsy Sutherland, Co-chairLisa Wisham, Co-chairDebbie BallardMelissa BoweDr. Marlies BurnsCarolyn ChristensenBarbara FiechtlSusan OkroyStella PatinoDr. Leah VoorhiesGlenna GalloState Director of Special EducationUtah State Board of EducationBetsy SutherlandPreschool SpecialistUtah State Board of EducationLisa WishamEducational SpecialistUtah State Board of EducationParticipating DistrictsBeaver School DistrictDr. Ray Terry, SuperintendentKaren Johnson, Special Education DirectorMary J. Ogan, External CoachKensi Limb, Internal CoachLisa Cox, TeacherMegan Porter, TeacherCache County School DistrictDr. Steven Norton, SuperintendentJoel Allred, Special Education DirectorKellie Garcia, Preschool CoordinatorRosalyn Hampton, External CoachKami Antriyao, Internal CoachShalese Amott, TeacherShayla Barker, TeacherLisa Bennett, TeacherRod Bullock, TeacherLynette Campbell, TeacherWendi Cardon, TeacherBayley Dautel, TeacherChris Flores, TeacherGabriela Hyde, TeacherKrystalee Merrill, TeacherRiKelle Montgomery, TeacherKate Mortensen, TeacherKatie Owens, TeacherShaleace Price, TeacherKristen Ralphs, TeacherRaegan Roberts, TeacherFran Schumann, TeacherDuchesne County School DistrictDavid Brotherson, SuperintendentJanalee Goodrich, Special Education DirectorLola Stansfield, PrincipalBetsy Sutherland, External CoachJana Adamson, Internal CoachCindy Bristol, TeacherPenny Curry, TeacherAlicia Evans, TeacherTammy Jessen, TeacherDeni Kettle, TeacherWanda Larsen, TeacherJordan School DistrictDr. Patrice A. Johnson, SuperintendentLisa Robinson, Special Education DirectorDebbie Ballard, Preschool CoordinatorDr. Kristen Geisler-Paul, External CoachUtah Early Childhood Technical Assistance Project Reaching Potential through Recommended Practices (RP2)3

Rachelle Blair, Internal CoachSheila Laughlin, Internal CoachLisa Anderson, SLPAndrea Bennett, TeacherLaura Boutwell, TeacherKrista Camp, SLPEmily Cavanaugh, TeacherShawn Colyer, TeacherTrina Dalley, TeacherSabrina Denison, TeacherBettina Espinosa, TeacherPaige Furbush, TeacherEllen Gordon, TeacherJan Jarrett, TeacherTara Francyk-Wells, SLPJulie Hansen, SLPErin Hargraves, SLPAnna Hart, SLPErica Hilton, SLPBrianna Hofer, TeacherHolly Hyte, TeacherMary James, TeacherHeather Johnson, Speech TechnicianSandra Jolley, SLPHanna Kripfgans, TeacherWendy Lloyd, TeacherEmily Johnson, TeacherLora McFarland, TeacherJenna Miller, PsychologistAnne Nelson, TeacherLacie North, TeacherTricia Pearson, SLPSally Rogers, TeacherKristen Sessions, TeacherEmily Shaw, SLPBailee VanZeben, TeacherKristen Walters, SLPLogan City School DistrictFrank Schofield, SuperintendentMarci Elliott, Special Education DirectorLaura Sage, External CoachKim Barfuss, Internal CoachLoreen Flanary, Internal CoachHeidi Tuddenham, TeacherJoy Coombs, TeacherDebi Evans, Preschool CoordinatorTrena Roueche, External CoachShelley Kiefer, Internal CoachKristen Davis, TeacherKaydee Fondaco, TeacherOgden School District / YMCASandy Coroles, SuperintendentKaren Harrop, Special Education DirectorKari Baumann, Preschool Coordinator OgdenStella Patino, Preschool Coordinator YMCAMary J. Ogan, External CoachHeather Shaffer, Internal CoachSarah Birch, TeacherChristina Charbonneau, TeacherDana Juergens, TeacherSarah Price, TeacherJessica Searle, TeacherJen Shelton, TeacherSevier School DistrictDr. Cade J. Douglas, SuperintendentLisa Crane, Special Education DirectorSandra Hansen, External CoachDownanna Topham, Internal CoachPam Hansen TeacherDiana Jensen, TeacherShelly Twitchell, TeacherTintic School DistrictKodey Hughes, SuperintendentJennica Beckstrom, Special Educ. DirectorBrian Ward, PrincipalMary J. Ogan, External CoachEileen Schow, TeacherWashington County School DistrictLarry Bergeson, SuperintendentSuraj Syal, Special Education DirectorBetsy Sutherland, External CoachAmanda Beckstead, Internal CoachAmie Andelin, Internal CoachLisa Creager, Internal CoachLoyann McLendon, Internal CoachKristy Mills, Internal CoachAngee Thompson, Internal CoachBailey Transtrum, Internal CoachMurray City School DistrictDr. Steven K. Hirase, SuperintendentKelli Kercher, Special Education DirectorUtah Early Childhood Technical Assistance Project Reaching Potential through Recommended Practices (RP2)4

SummaryThe Utah State Board of Education recognizes the importance of preschool education and thebenefit of implementing evidence-based practices for improving the outcomes for children withor at-risk for delays or disabilities. To ensure widespread use of evidence-based practices andinclusion of typical peers into preschool classrooms, Utah adopted The Utah Early ChildhoodTechnical Assistance Project: Reaching Potential through Recommended Practices (RP 2)initiative.This first annual report for the project introduces the Utah Early Childhood Technical Assistance(ECTA) State Leadership Team (SLT), major structures of the RP 2 initiative, data from the initialimplementation sites during the 2015-2016 school year, and plans for additional implementationsites.The members of the Utah ECTA SLT represent a range of stakeholders, programs, andagencies. The Utah ECTA SLT meets regularly and makes decisions that move the state towardtheir stated mission and vision. This team is responsible for planning and supervising all aspectsof the initiative, including arranging for funding, policy initiatives, evaluation and data-baseddecision-making, training and coaching, site selection, publicity, and dissemination.The external coaches (master cadre of training and technical assistance professionals) arecarefully selected experts responsible for delivering training and providing coaching toimplementation site internal coaches. They build capacity within Utah through training andsupport of internal coaches. Internal coaches are selected by the participating school districtand they supervise and support the practitioners responsible for implementing therecommended practices with fidelity.Initial data from the 2015-2016 school year includes a narrative of each district program, studentenrollment showing increased inclusion in preschool classrooms, the implementation of thecritical elements of the program wide implementation components (Benchmarks of Quality),information about internal coaching activities, and data regarding the implementation of therecommended practices by teachers and paraeducators in the classroom.Overall, by the end of the first year, participating districts reported having all eight Benchmarksof Quality at least partially in place.Average scores across programs2.00 In Place1.00 Partially in Place0.00 Not in PlaceImplementation scoreImplementation score scale:2.001.501.00Fall 20150.50Spring 20160.0012345678Critical ElementUtah Early Childhood Technical Assistance Project Reaching Potential through Recommended Practices (RP2)5

In addition, all classroom interventions were implemented with evidence of at least one indicatorobserved in each classroom during every observation.Implementation score scale:5.00 All indicators seen or reported across all relevant routines and environments4.00 Two or three indicators seen or reported across most but not all routines3.00 One or two indicators seen or reported sporadically2.00 One indicator seen or reported but many opportunities missed1.00 No indicators seen or reportedNote: The ECTA considers implementation fidelity at as 4.00 or higherScores across ilyInstruction2.50Interaction2.001.501.00Fall 2015Spring 2016AverageThe Utah ECTA SLT continues to see improvement as of the beginning of the 2016-2017 schoolyear and anticipates continued improvement throughout the year.Utah Early Childhood Technical Assistance Project Reaching Potential through Recommended Practices (RP2)6

Introduction and PurposeThis report provides data collected by the Utah State Board of Education’s Early ChildhoodTechnical Assistance (Utah ECTA) State Leadership Team (SLT) about their progress towardimplementing recommended practices statewide for the 2015-2016 school year. In addition,some data from Local Education Agencies (LEA) participating in the Reaching Potentialsthrough Recommended Practices (RP2) program is provided.The Utah ECTA SLT members should carefully review this data, along with other data they mayhave, to better target actions and meet the SLT Benchmarks of Quality. The data in this report isintended to spark further discussion and lead the SLT to delve further into their practices andthe Benchmarks of Quality. Thus, this report should be a starting point for improved strategicplanning, more data-driven decision making, and targeted action.The intended audience for this report is the SLT members, Utah State Board of Education andstaff, LEAs participating in the RP2 program and those considering participating, state agencies,community groups, and the Utah legislature.About the Utah ECTA State Leadership TeamThe members of the Utah ECTA SLT represent a range of stakeholders, programs, andagencies, including early childhood special education, early intervention, higher education,Head Start, families, childcare, mental health, and others. The Utah ECTA SLT meets regularlyand makes decisions that move the state toward their stated mission and vision. This team isresponsible for planning and supervising all aspects of the initiative and arranges for funding,policy initiatives, evaluation and data-based decision-making, training and coaching, siteselection, publicity, and dissemination.MissionThe mission of the Utah ECTA SLT is to provide teachers with professional developmentthrough training and coaching to improve effective teaching practices that will have meaningfulimpact on student learning in school and community preschools statewide.VisionThe vision of the Utah ECTA SLT is that all families with children ages three to five will haveaccess to high quality inclusive preschool programs that are developmentally appropriatepractices, support children's individual differences, and implement the Utah Early ChildhoodStandards in ways that support each child's learning.External CoachesThe external coaches are carefully selected professional-development experts responsible fordelivering training and providing external coaching to establish high-fidelity implementation ofRecommended Practices in implementation sites. External coaches also promote awarenessand adoption through presentations and training on the targeted Recommended Practices.Utah Early Childhood Technical Assistance Project Reaching Potential through Recommended Practices (RP2)7

SLT Benchmarks of QualityThere are twelve Critical Elements and forty-nine Benchmarks of Quality used by the SLT toassess progress and plan future actions so that Recommended Practices (RPs) are availablestatewide. “The Benchmarks are grounded in the science of implementation which bridges thegap between an evidence-based practice and the actual high-fidelity implementation of thatpractice” (ECTA Implementing Recommended Practices Statewide). Utah’s SLT began withassessing their needs and exploring which evidence-based practices to implement. Oncechosen, the Benchmarks of Quality are used to track progress. Below are the Benchmarks ofQuality, including two tables, the first showing at which stage each benchmark is implementedand the second showing Utah’s SLT self-evaluation for each benchmark at three different pointsin time.Utah’s SLT self-evaluated using the Benchmarks in May 2015, November 2015, and April 2016.Self-evaluation, in general, is beneficial for assessing strengths and areas in need ofimprovement, identifying discrepancies of performance between individuals participating in theevaluation, and conducting a more constructive evaluation meeting, thus increasingcommitment to planning and implementation. The Utah SLT self-evaluation is a consensusdocument meaning all members agreed with the benchmark scores. The SLT uses this data forplanning future work and tracking progress.Self-evaluation results as of April 2016 Benchmarks Met: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 32, 36, 37, 38, 42 Benchmarks in Process: 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40,43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 Benchmarks Not Started: 27, 28, 31, 41Utah's RP2 programThe Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Recommended Practices is an initiative that bridges thegap between research and practice. First developed in the early 1990s, the RecommendedPractices were updated and released in 2014 to provide guidance to teachers andparaeducators and families about the most effective ways to improve the learning outcomes andpromote the development of young children, birth through five years of age, who have or are atrisk for developmental delays or disabilities.LEAs around the state of Utah with early childhood programs are invited to becomeimplementation sites and participate in the RP2 program to: Learn ways to improve child outcomes using evidence—based practices; Improve the competence and confidence of site teachers and paraeducators; Learn how to use data to improve child outcomes; Receive training for an internal coach to help site teachers and paraeducators useevidence-based practices; Receive support from an external coach to guide program-wide implementation.Each implementation site receives training and individualized technical assistance and supportto become a model program. The ECTA Center, with support from the Utah State Board ofEducation, provides: Training and ongoing support to internal coaches who supports implementation siteteachers and paraeducators;Utah Early Childhood Technical Assistance Project Reaching Potential through Recommended Practices (RP2)8

Training and support to a leadership team in the process of program-wideimplementation;Training in the practices implemented by site teachers and paraeducators; andMaterials and tools used for implementation and evaluation.Implementation Sites commit to: Maintain a high-quality early childhood program with a stable staff and strong leadership. Implement Recommended Practices program-wide as an implementation site for at leasttwo years after completion of training. Work in collaboration with the ECTA trainers and external coaches to ensureimplementation fidelity. Collect and use evaluation data to guide program-wide implementation, support sitepractitioner implementation, and monitor child progress and outcomes. Establish a leadership team that meets on a regular basis and includes key localstakeholders. The local leadership team receives support from an external coach whoguides implementation steps. Participate in four days of leadership team meetings Send site teachers and paraeducators to two, two-day training events in the use ofevidence-based practices. Leadership teams also attend this training. Identify internal coaches to participate in a five-session web-based training on the use ofpractice-based coaching. Participate in evaluation and self-assessment activities.Leadership Team(uses evaluation data toguide program-wideimplementaiton)External Coach(guides program-wideimplementation)Internal Coach

Wendy Lloyd, Teacher Emily Johnson, Teacher Lora McFarland, Teacher Jenna Miller, Psychologist Anne Nelson, Teacher Lacie North, Teacher Tricia Pearson, SLP Sally Rogers, Teacher Kristen Sessions, Teacher Emily Shaw, SLP Bailee VanZeben, Teacher Kristen Walters, SLP L

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